Chapter Twenty Two: Deathbeds

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I hope you guys like this longerish chapter ^_^ (is longerish even a word? -_-)

Song: Sleepwalking by Bring Me The Horizon

Title Credit: Deathbeds by Bring Me The Horizon

All credit for the songs used in this chapter go to the bands Hole and Bring Me The Horizon


"Go on take everything take everything take everything take everything!" I sang into the microphone, my hands placed over the large headphones and my eyes shut tightly as I let all my emotions flow out through this song. As the music faded out, I opened my eyes and smiled widely once I realized that I had just finished recording the vocals for our song 'Violet'.  

I told my father about my idea to record some material down in the basement with our band. He said we could do whatever we wanted as long as I didn't let the band interfere with my grades. I have to admit, my grades aren't exactly 'great' but they're above the D's and F's. Thankfully, Oliver agreed to tutor me. 

Nikki told us that her friend, Jordan Fish, knew how to record things and work in the studio. She asked him if he would be able to help us record our demo and thankfully, he accepted the offer.  

For the past week, Sapphire, Nikki, Abby and I have been working for hours after school recording material for our demo that we're planning to put out. So far, the recording process has gone very smoothly. Sapphire got all the drumming parts recorded on Monday, Nikki got all the bass parts recorded on Tuesday and Wednesday. Meanwhile, Abby and I finished writing and recording all the guitar parts. On Friday, Jordan put all the music together and the instrumental for 'Violet' was finally finished. Today, it's Saturday and we spent the majority of the day recording the vocals for this song.  

"How was that?" I asked, speaking into the microphone. Looking at the six faces in front of me, I noticed that they all had wide smiles spread across their lips. Taking it as a sign that I did good, I let my mouth form into a wide grin. Honestly, I wanted to do more recording and singing but I knew that we had to get other things done.  

See, we all agreed that we needed some type of manager. Sapphire told me that she new the perfect girl for the job, Emily is her name. I met her on Monday and I can honestly say that's she's a very nice girl. She's 23, a short brunette with aqua eyes and beautiful chocolate skin. She seems to bring the same aura that Sapphire does, which is something that I like about her.  

"That was fantastic!" Jordan exclaimed, speaking into the microphone. The others all nodded their heads in agreement. "You did a great job, Amelia but, can we run over the chorus one more time?" He asked, a small smile formed on his lips.  

"Sure." I nodded as I quickly adjusted my headphones. I closed my eyes, a small smile crept on my lips once I heard the music for the chorus beginning to play. I can't wait until we finish recording the vocals for this song. We plan on booking gigs and handing out our demo at small concert and things like that. We're still unsure of what to title our demo but none of us are really too concerned about that. Our main focus right now is getting the recording done.  

We went over a couple more verses before Jordan announced that we were finally finished with the vocals. I set the headphones down on the stand before hurrying out of the booth. Grinning, I walked over to the girls and pulled them all into a tight hug. Even though we had only finished recording one song out of the seven we planned putting on the demo, I was still extremely happy. This is the first time we've recorded a song and it was definitely time for a celebration.  

"I have some awesome news." Emily announced once we all pulled away from the hug.  

Walking towards Oliver, I sat down on his lap. Chuckling, Oliver wrapped his arms around my waist to keep me from falling and planted a small kiss on my cheeks. I grinned widely at him before turning my attention back to Emily.  

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