Chapter Twenty Nine: Go To Hell, For Heaven's Sake, Oliver

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Chapter 29: Go To Hell, For Heaven's Sake, Oliver

I've been waiting to write this chapter for so long .-.

Title Credit & Song: Go To Hell, For Heaven's Sake by Bring Me The Horizon


Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months and before I knew it, Amelia and I were graduating from Stocksbridge High School. The last day of high school was yesterday and our graduation ceremony was a couple of days before. Since the exam month went on for the month before Spring Break, her father told Amelia that she would have to wait until she graduated go visit Australia. Technically, both Amelia and I are adults and she can move back to Australia whenever she wants but, she hasn't. Amelia's told me that she doesn't want to move back to Australia. At least, not yet anyways.  

"Fuck!" I heard Amelia shout from downstairs. I opened the bedroom door and walked downstairs. Following the loud cursing, I found Amelia in the small room that held the washer and dryer. I leaned against the doorway and crossed my arms over my chest as I watched Amelia messing around with the washer, amusement filling my eyes.  

"Fucking Christ," Amelia muttered. She ran her thin fingers through her messy hair and sighed in frustration.  

"Everything alright, love?" I asked, smirking.  

Amelia groaned, "No," she replied, "the fucking washer and dryer are broken."  

I nodded, understanding why she was feeling so angry and frustrated. In a couple of days, Amelia is leaving for tour with Romance Is Dead and since I don't know how to work a washer or dryer, she offered to do my laundry for me. In return, I had to clean her bedroom and help her pack her bags, but honestly, I was going to help her do all those things before.  

Sure, it's going to be boring living here without Amelia but I'll manage. It definitely is going to be harder though. She's going to be gone four around four weeks so I'm going to have to find a way to live in her room for four weeks without her father suspecting somehow staying in her bedroom. That means, I'm going to have to sneak food from the fridge, keep things clean and basically shower and use the restroom before her dad comes home. On Sundays, I'm going to stay at Hannah's house because Sundays are the only days when her dad doesn't have work.  

"Oliver," Amelia sighed, "I'm sorry but, don't you have any extra clothes or anything else you can wear? It's Friday now so even if I do call someone to fix this shit, they're not going to be able to come until Monday and by then, we'll be on the road." She said, clearly aggravated.  

I pressed my lips together in a tight line and began to think about all the clothes I had left behind at the 'home' I once lived in. Honestly, I've been living on five different shirts, three pants and six boxers for the entire time I've been staying here. I don't have many clothes but I know that the clothes that are back at my father's house will last me a good three weeks and a half.  

"Um," I coughed, breaking the silence, "I have clothes at um... at my old house." I mumbled. Amelia's expression went from annoyed to worried in a matter of seconds. She shook her head, her face wore the expression There's-no-way-in-hell-you're-doing-that. "Amelia," I sighed, "I have to go. Plus, it'll give me an opportunity to get some other belongings."  

Again, Amelia shook her head, "No," she began, "Oliver, there's no way in hell I'm letting you go back to that place. What if your dad's there? What if he hurts you, Oliver? I don't want anything to happen to you. Oliver I l-" She quickly covered her mouth with her hand before she was able to finish her sentence.  

I walked towards her and cupped her face with my hands, "I'll be fine, Em." I said, trying to give both her and I some reassurance. Honestly, I never wanted to go back to that fucking house with that bastard but I knew it had to be done sooner or later, and right now, I'm choosing sooner. "Ian usually spends both his time and money at some bloody bar for most of the day. He probably wont be there, anyways."  

Our Secrets Will Kill Us // Oliver SykesWhere stories live. Discover now