Chapter Thirty Six: I'm Not Listening To You

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Song: Don't Jump by Tokio Hotel (,-, thank u so fucking much for introducing me to this amazing band Abby ,-,)

Title Credit: Shut Up by Blink-182


My palms were sweaty, my nerves had sky-rocketed. The lump in my throat only grew as I pressed on Nikki's contact, sending her an incoming call on Skype. Honestly, I would much rather have this conversation face to face, but obviously, I can't do that.

Suddenly, a new window popped up on my screen, revealing Sapphire, Abby, Nikki and Emily. They were all smiling widely but all I was able to do was wonder if by the end of this Skype call, they would still be smiling.

"Hey, Amelia," Sapphire greeted, her smile, is possible, widening.

"Hey," I sighed, looking anywhere and everywhere besides them.

"What's wrong, Amelia?" Abby asked, her voice sincere and concern shinning in her blue eyes. "Is everything alright between you and Alex?"

"Things have been great between us," I answered, truthfully, "it's just..." I trailed off, the knot in my stomach beginning to grow tighter.

"C'mon Amelia, you know you can tell us anything," Nikki said. I nodded, a low sigh escaping my mouth as I ran my fingers through my messy hair.

"I went to the doctors the other day and... I'm, um, I'm three months pregnant." I finally announced while mentally preparing myself for the disappointed looks that never came.

Abby gasped, "You're three months pregnant?" She asked in complete disbelief, "Is it Oliver's?"

"Yeah," I sighed, chewing nervously on my bottom lip, "I haven't told anyone besides you four and Alex, of course. Right now, Alex is telling his friends; Jack, Rian and Zack about the 'good news'." I explained, putting air quotes around the words 'good news'.

"Dude, are you going to keep him or her?" Emily asked.

"Yes, of course!" I scoffed, feeling slightly offended that she would even ask me such a ridiculous question.

"Dude, no matter what happens, we'll always be here for you. Have you found out the sex of the baby yet?" Sapphire asked, curiosity shinning in her eyes.

"No," I shook my head, "not yet, anyways. To be completely honest, though, I'm getting kind of excited to have this baby. I know it isn't going to be easy, but I'm going to try and I want to be a good mother to this child."

"Are you nervous?" Nikki asked. I fought the ridiculously strong urge to roll my eyes at her ridiculous question. Nervous was the understatement of the year.

"Beyond nervous," I admitted, "but I have my best friends by my side and an amazing boyfriend, who is actually excited about the whole pregnancy. Honestly, I can say that I am very grateful for having every single one of you in my life."

Sadly, a lot of teen moms are not as fortunate as I am. A lot of fathers end up leaving before the baby is even born, leaving the poor mother to raise the kid all alone. It's a sad reality and I wish it didn't have to happen to so many teenage mothers out there in this world. I am also extremely grateful that Alex continues to stand by my side. Let's be honest, most eighteen year olds would flinch at the idea of having a pregnant girlfriend, right? Well, not Alex.

After getting over the initial shock of me being three months pregnant, Alex quickly became excited with the entire pregnancy situation. In fact, he got so excited that he even began thinking of names for the baby. If the baby turns out to be a boy, we're stuck between Jordan and Brian. If the baby is a girl, the name is either Jennifer or Lelanie. Honeslty, I like all four of the names and as soon as I can, I am going to find out the sex of this baby.

I talked to the four of them for a little while longer before we had to say good-bye. Now that I have my friends support, all that's left is for me to tell the girls from Romance Is Dead, my father and my family back in Australia.

Fuck, it never even crossed my mind how my parents are going to react to my pregnancy. They're not exactly too keen on teenage girls who are pregnant. My mother basically raised me on 'God's word'. She said that any woman who has relations with a man before she is married is immoral and nothing but a filthy sinner. As much as I love my mother, I always know better. Instead of disowning teen mothers, people should start supporting them. Teenager mothers easily fall into depression and that depression affects the baby. That's why people should support them instead of turning their backs on teen moms.

Closing my laptop shut, I sighed heavily as I collapsed down on the bed. I didn't get no more than ten seconds to myself when I heard loud knocking coming from the front door.

Groaning quietly, I forced myself up and began walking towards the front door. Once I opened the door, a pair of arms wrapped around my shoulders and pulled me into a tight hug. I looked up and let my body relax once I saw the familiar boy with the unique hair that belonged to the one and only; Jack Barakat.

"Jack, what are you doing?" I questioned as I pulled away from the tight embrace. Jack said nothing. Instead, he placed his hand in my stomach. A happy smile slowly began spreading across his lips as he continued rubbing my stomach.

"So there's a mini you inside your stomach right now?" Jack whispered, his voice soft. Not giving me enough time to answer, Jack pulled me into another tight hug, "Congratulations, Meli." He whispered, his voice laced in pure happiness.

Honestly, I wasn't for him to react this way. It slowly began to overwhelm me with such happiness once I realized how supportive everyone has been towards the baby.


After Jack had attacked me with a few more tight hugs, the rest of the guys showed up at the apartment. Now, here we are, everyone sitting in the living room. Jack, Rian, and Zack were bomb-boarding me with questions about the pregnancy. Thankfully, Alex had already told them that the baby wasn't his, and that I had gotten pregnant long before our relationship even began, but I barely found out that I was expecting.

"What are you going to name the baby?" Rian asked.

"If it's a girl: Jennifer or Lelanie, but if it's a boy: Jordan or Brian." I answered as I scooted closer to Alex. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder while I rested my head on his chest.

Jack grinned, "You should name the girl Jennifer Jack Taylor." He suggested, his grin growing wider until he was practically smiling ear to ear.

Alex scoffed, "What makes you so sure that the baby will be a girl?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at Jack who simply shrugged in response.


"Where are you going?" Sapphire asked as I grabbed my car keys from the kitchen counter.

"Grocery store, we're out of chips and soda." I answered before stepping out of the house. I sat in the drivers seat and blasted Tokio Hotel from my stereos as I began driving in the direction of the grocery store.

Once I pulled into the parking lot of the grocery store, I grabbed a shopping cart and walked into the small store. Almost immidiatily, I headed towards the isle that held mostly junk food.

I hummed the song 'Don't Jump' by Tokio Hotel as I roamed through the large isle, taking the time to admire the wide selection of chips, cookies and candy that the store had. Seriously, this is one of the main reasons why this store is the only grocery store I shop at.

My eyes caught a glimpse of a familiar figure standing at the other end of the isle. A large wave of anger washed over me once I realized just who the person was and it would be a complete lie if I said that I was happy to see them again.

"Oliver!" I shouted as I began stomping towards the lanky man. He stepped aside and that's when I saw that he was no longer alone. My fists clenched in anger once I saw his fingers interlocked with Hannah's.

I wasn't mad at the fact that he was with someone else. I was furious with him for leaving Amelia and breaking her heart into a million fucking peices. He has no fucking idea how much damaged he cause her.

"Abb-" Oliver began but before he was able to finish his sentence, I sent my fist swinging, hitting him directly in his cheek. Before Oliver was able to react, I punched him again, causing him to stumble back and fall on to the ground. All the while, Hannah watched both of us in complete astonishment. I really didn't want to hurt Hannah, but if she even tries stopping me, I will not think twice about hitting her.

Unfortunately, before I was able to hit Oliver again, I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist. I looked up and saw a slightly over weight security guard. I groaned loudly before turning my attention back to Oliver, "Listen you twat, I don't want you to ever fucking come near Amelia ever again, I will kill you myself," I snapped before letting the guard carry me towards the exit of the grocery store.


"What the hell did you do, Abby?" Sapphire questioned as we stepped into the house together. For some reason, the security officer had to call the fucking cops and they nearly arrested me for the 'indicent and dangerous behaviour', Thankfully, Sapphire managed to arrive just in time to ease me out of the entire situation. The entire car ride with her was filled with a tense silence and I was mentally preparing myself for the scolding I was about to receive.

"I didn't do anything wrong, I muttered as I sat down on the couch. Sapphire stood in front of me and crossed her arms over her chest, motioning for me to continue with what I had to say. "I was looking for some chips when I saw Oliver at the store. I let my anger get the best of me, alright? I don't care, though. I just wish I could have taught that bastard a good lesson." I mumbled, truly disappointed that I wasn't even able to punch him again. Honestly, he deserves so fucking much more for what he did to Amelia.

After I finished explaining everything, Sapphire's features softened and she nodded, as if she understood why I went crazy at the grocery store. "I called Riot today," she announced as she claimed the empty seat next to me on the couch.

"And?" I asked, waiting for her to continue.

Sapphire grinned, "They're taking a break from recording the ablum... and we're all going to Baltimore next week."


Guys, what names do you like better, Jordan vs Brian for boys and Lelanie vs Jennifer for girls :3 Hopefully, you guys enjoyed this shorter chapter .-. sorry if there are any mistakes, I wrote 90% of this chapter on my phone.

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