Chapter Four: Same Asshole Attitude

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Song: Knew It Was You by You Me At Six


"M? M? Amelia? What the hell are you staring at?" I heard Lisa ask, ripping me away from my thoughts. I look away from Oliver and turn to my blonde friend. I shrug and send her an apologetic smile before returning my gaze back to Oli.

It's currently the lunch period right now, I'm sitting with Lisa, Diana, Jessica, Savannah, Mike and Alex. Everyone was eating and having ridiculous conversations while I was just sitting there, staring at Oli with a curious expression.

He was sitting on the grass in front of the water fountain in the courtyard. Oli had his hoodie pulled over his head, his fringe was covering his eyes and -as usual-, he had his face buried in his notebook. My eyebrows furrowed once I realized that he was alone. Doesn't he have any friends?

Me, being the person that I am, decided to go over to Oli and ask him if he wanted to have lunch with us. Of course, consulting my other friends first.

"You want to have lunch with Oli?" Mike asks, he looked at me with amusement in his eyes. In fact, they all did.

I nod my head in response, "Yeah, he's not eating with anyone. Does he have friends?" I ask.

Diana sighs, "He did.... he had one friend. His name was Seth. He... well, let's just say 'he moved away'. Since then, Oli doesn't hang out with anyone. People kind of turned against him." She explains.

I look over at Oli and sigh quietly, "Are you guys against him?" I ask, not looking in their direction.

"Of course not, we just... we don't talk to him. It's not that we hate him, we just don't." Jessica replies.

I nod in understanding before getting up from the table and walking towards Oliver. Once I reached him, I look back over at my friends and send them a sad smile before turning back to Oli who is still writing things down in his notebook.

"Hey, Oli." I greet, sitting down in front of him. I cross my legs underneath me and smile at him.

Oli lifts his head up and his eyes widen once he sees me. "Amelia?" He asks.

"Yeah," I smile, "I have second, third and fourth period with you." I add.

Oli sighs, he brushes his fringe away with his fingers and that's when I notice he has some tattoos on his hands and fingers.

"You have tattoos." I point out, smiling widely. I love tattoos, my mom and dad hate them but I think they're amazing. It's also amazing how someone can love something so much that they get it permanently tattooed on their body.

Oli nods, "Yeah...." He mumbles before turning his gaze back down to his notebook. I try to look and see what he's doing but he quickly slams his notebook shut. Oli's lets out an irritated sigh before looking back up at me. "Why'd you come over here? Shouldn't you go back to your friends?" He asks, gesturing over to the group of people I was sitting with earlier. Something in his voice set me off but I ignored his mocking tone.

"I just wanted to see if you'd like to have lunch with us." I said, forcing a smile.

Oli smirks, "Thanks but no thanks, I'd rather stay here by myself than eat with a bunch of idiots." He replies.

My eyes widen and my jaw clenches in anger, "Fine." I snap before getting up from the ground. "Prick." I mutter as I walk back towards my friends. They all look at me with curious expressions, probably wondering what happened.

Sighing, I sat back down on the bench and shrugged. "He said he'd rather be by himself than eat with a bunch of idiots." I mumble.

Alex laughs loudly, "Don't worry. That's Oli for you." He says.

I shrug and look back over at Oli. He has the same asshole attitude that the Oli from my childhood had.


Short, but an update, right? I'll try to post the next chapter sooner. I think I'll have it be in Oli's POV but idk yet.

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