Chapter Thirty Five: My Heart Beats For You

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Song: My Love by Sia

Title Credit: Blessed With A Curse by Bring Me The Horizon


A month has gone by since Alex and I first arrived here in Baltimore. Alex decided to rent out a place so we wouldn't have. To stay at a hotel room anymore. Seeing as we're going to be here in Baltimore until the end of the year, I'd rather rent out a place than have to stay in the same hotel room for five months.

I stared up at the ceiling, my thoughts were forced away once I felt my mouth beginning to water. The familiar feeling hit my stomach as I shot up from my bed and ran into the bathroom. I used the toilet seat for support as I let the contents from my stomach empty out and into the toilet.

God damn stomach flue.

At least, that's what Alex thinks it is. He said I probably ate something that wasn't any good and now have some shitty stomach flue. To be completely honest, I don't think it's no damn stomach flue. I think there's something wrong with me. Thankfully, Alex scheduled an appointment to meet up with a doctor later today. Until then, I'm going to have to put up with this God forsaken

"Again?" Alex asked as he pulled my blonde hair back. I nodded, feeling too sick to even form the simplest of words. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with me? Surely, no stomach flue lasts this long, right?

Alex sighed, "Your appointment is at four, do you want me to come with you?" He asked, smiling slightly. I nodded as I stood up from the tile floor and walked towards the sink.

After brushing my teeth at least three times, I tied my hair into a pony tail and flushed the disgusting mess away. Alex sprayed some air freshener around the bathroom, trying to rid of the horrid smell.

Alex placed his hand on the small of my back and began guiding me towards our bedroom. Yes, Alex and I share a bedroom. We don't exactly have enough money for a two bedroom apartment so we settled with sharing a bed, closet, bathroom and bedroom. Not like it bothered me, though. I was used to sharing things with people... And my people, I mean O-

I stopped my thoughts before I was even able to think of his name. Thanks to Nikki, I know now that Oliver is no longer single. Apparently, he's moved on as well. Hannah Snowdon is his girlfriend now. At least, that's what Nikki and Jordan told me. When they told me the news, I couldn't really find myself getting angry at Hannah. I mean, she didn't do anything wrong, right? It's not like she took Oliver away from me. He left me and moved on to someone else, and as much as I hate to say this: I'm happy that he was able to find happiness... Even if it is with someone else.

Pushing my thoughts away, I slipped under the covers next to Alex. He wrapped his arms around my waist as I made an attempt to get as close to him as possible by pressing my body against his. I quickly learned that whenever I'm in Alex's arms, I feel safe, secure even. And I love it.


I woke up a few hours later to the sound of voices echoing from outside of my bedroom. It wasn't a surprise when I found myself waking up in an empty bed. Often, Alex wakes up before I do and he usually ends up cooking me breakfast or doing sweet things like that.

Sitting up on the bed, I stretched my arms out as I let a loud yawn escape my mouth. I stood up from the bed and slipped on some grey sweatpants before walking out of the bedroom and into the living room. To my surprise and happiness, I found Jack, Rian and Zack sitting on the living room couch while Alex sat on the floor.

Their attention all turned to me once I entered the small living room. Alex smiled slightly as he stood up from the floor and walked towards me. He wrapped his arms around my waist, his smile growing a little bit wider, "How are you feeling, Melia?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Melia?" I chuckled, my eyes shinning with amusement, "What happened to Wendy?" I asked, referring to the nick name Alex had given me a couple of weeks ago. One night, we were watching Peter Pan together and he told me something along the lines of 'I'm Peter, and you're Wendy.' Since then, I am no longer known as Amelia, just Wendy or 'babe'. Not that I have a problem with either of those names.

Alex breathed a laugh, "You're still my Wendy. But how are you feeling?" He asked, his voice turning a bit more serious, but still holding onto that playful, happy tone that I've quickly come to love.

"I'm fine, Lex. But I still want to go to the doctors in case there really is something wrong with me," I said before pressing my lips against his. Our little display of affection earning loud groans from the other three guys, mostly Jack though.

Alex chuckled lightly as he pulled away from the sweet kiss. He wrapped his arms around my waist and brought me to the empty couch, across from the other three.

"Wait, doctors? Why do you need to go to the doctors? Is everything alright?" Zack asked, seeming genuinely concerned. It's amazing how quickly I became close to all three of them. There's never a dull day with the four of them around. There's always something new going on, and I absolutely love that about my relationship with Alex, and my friendship with Jack, Rian and Zack.

"Yeah," I nodded, sighing heavily, "I've been vomiting every fucking morning in this past month and it's really starting to bother me so Alex and I are going to the doctor to see if there's anything wrong with me. Like a stomach virus or something like that," I explained as I rested my head against Alex's shoulder.

"What if you're pregnant?" Jack asked. His question making both Alex and I freeze. I haven't had sex with Alex yet, mostly in fear that when I wake up, he'll be gone. The last person I slept with... Was Oliver. Wait, there's no way I'm pregnant, right? I mean, I can't be, that's impossible. It's been three months since Oliver and I had sex, wouldn't I have noticed something sooner?

"No," Alex shook his head, "there's no way Amelia's pregnant." He said, his voice firm but even I was able to detect the hint of uneasiness in his tone.

"Okay... Anyways, what time is your doctors appointment?" Rian asked, thankfully changing the subject to something that wasn't as serious as pregnancy. I can't be pregnant, I'm only eighteen for fucks sake, and might I add, I haven't been eighteen for a very long.

"Four o'clock sharp." I answered, smiling slightly. "That means, we have at least..." I glanced over at the clock that hung on the wall, mentally figuring out the math in my head, "...Five hours to kill until then."

Zack nodded, "Why don't we get something to eat and watch some movies until then?" He suggested. We all nodded, agreeing with his simple, yet nice, plan. When it's just Alex and I, sometimes, all we do is sit on the couch and watch movies together. It's simple but I love it.


Sitting in the waiting room at the clinic was probably one of my least favorite things to do. Well, that and having to wake up in a God awful hospital bed. Let's just put this plain and simple, I hate hospitals and clinics, anything that has to do with death, sickness and disease. People are supposed to feel safe around doctors and nurses, right? Yeah, well not me.

I felt Alex squeeze my hand, attempting to give me some comfort. I bet he felt my uneasiness and discomfort. Who can blame me, though? Nothing good ever comes out of having to visit the clinic or hospital. Every time you go in, you always receive bad news. Whether it'd be about yourself or someone you love, there will always be bad news.

"Amelia Taylor?" A nurse called out, she was a tall, brown woman with curly black hair and dark brown eyes. Her face also held the I-Don't-Want-To-Be-Here look. Who can blame her, though?

Alex and I both stood up from the uncomfortable chairs and began walking towards the nurse. She introduced herself as nurse Jimenez before leading us towards a small room.

First, nurse Jimenez weighed me, something that I also hated doing. Turns out, I had gained six more pounds from the last time I was weighed and to be completely honest, I wasn't that bothered by it. Anyways, nurse Jimenez also measured my height, telling me that I was 5'3, no big height change. Not that I had a problem with that either, I liked my height.

After taking my blood pressure and checking my eye-sight, nurse Jimenez excused herself and said that she was going to go get Dr. Hale.

While we were waiting for nurse Jimenez and Dr. Hale to come into the room, I sat down on the bed while Alex took a seat in another blue uncomfortable chair. I took the opportunity to look around the room.

Dozens of posters relating to pregnancy hung on the walls, and magazines on what to expect while expecting. Besides the pregnancy posters hung a large clipboard that had fliers pinned on them. Most of the fliers on the board had do to with sanitary things, but there was one poster that caught my attention.

It was a poster of a teen mom holding her new born baby. The mother looked happy to be holding her baby, but the sadness was visible in her eyes. Behind the teen mom, stood a large group of people all staring at the mother with disappointed" expressions. In big, bold letters, were the words 'Don't turn against a teen mother, support her.'

A couple of minutes passed before nurse Jimenez and an unfamiliar woman walked into the room. The woman looked up at me and sent me kind smile. "Hello, dear," she greeted, the kindness in her voice giving me a little more comfort, "I'm Dr. Hale. You're Amelia Taylor, correct?"

"Yes," I nodded, happily returning the smile.

"Now, Amelia, what seems to be the problem?" She asked.

"Well, I have been vomiting a lot lately. Pretty much every morning and night. Alex thinks that it's some sort of stomach flue that I could have gotten from a bad burger, ya know? But I think it's more than that."

Dr. Hale nodded in understanding, "Alright, Amelia, for how long has this been happening?" She asked.

"About a month now. I would have come by sooner, but I wasn't sure if it was really anything I needed to worry about. Can I just get some medication to make this go away?" I asked, hoping she would say yes.

Dr. Hale sighed, "Well, Amelia, I think this is something more than a simple stomach flue, but just to be certain, do you mind if we ask you a couple of questions and have some tests run?"

"Sure," I nodded, chewing on my lower lip. So I was right, this is something more than a simple stomach flue.

Dr. Hale smiled, "Alright," she grabbed her clipboard and pen from nurse Jimenez, "have you noticed any spotting, cramping or discharge?" She asked.

"Um, yeah, a while ago there was some cramps and spotting," I answered.

"Okay, have you been feeling fatigue or very tired?" She asked.

"Yes," I replied.

Dr. Hale asked me a few more questions before she had Alex step out of the room. They preformed a couple of tests on me before leaving the room, telling me that they would be back with the results.

Honestly, I'm scared out of my mind as to what is going to happen. Why was Dr. Hale asking me all those questions? Why did she have me preform tests? I mean, surely other doctors don't do that for just a simple stomach flue, right?

A few, painfully slow minutes passed by before Dr. Hale returned into the room, a wide smile playing on her lips and her blue eyes shining with happiness and excitement.

"Well, Amelia, I'm happy to tell you that we got the results back, and as I had suspected, you're three months pregnant! Congratulations!"

My eyes widened in shock and I stared at Dr. Hale in astonishment, "Pregnant?" I cried, "How is this possible? I can't be pregnant! I'm only eighteen fucking years old!" I threw my hands up in frustration. No, this can not be happening. I can't be pregnant. The last person I had sex with was Oli-



Dr. Hale sighed, "Don't worry, you're certainly not the first or last teen mom in the world. Do you want me to get your friend? You know, to tell him the news?" She asked, her voice both sincere and kind. I felt a pang in my chest once she mentioned Alex. How the hell is he going to react? He'll be furious! What kind of boyfriend isn't? How would every guy react if they found out that their girlfriend -whom they've never ever had intercourse with- was pregnant with her ex's baby... Not so happy, I can assure you that.

"Yes," I sighed, what's the point in hiding this from him? Alex is bound to find out, sooner or later. And right now, I'm choosing sooner. Sure, I'm risking the chance of loosing my best-friend/boyfriend, but what other options is there? It's not like I can abort this baby, and I certainly don't have the hear to put it up for adoption, once it's born. No matter what happens, this baby is mine, I am the mother and I have to take full on responsibility, even if I have to do it alone.

Dr. Hale nodded before quickly leaving the room. A few minutes later, Alex stepped into the small room, a small smile played on his lips but I was able to see the concern in his brown eyes. The last thing he probably would ever suspect was that I was fucking pregnant. Jesus mother fucking Christ, I still can not believe that Oliver and I didn't use protection. God, how fucking stupid am I?

"Hey," Alex smiled, "what did Dr. Hale say?" He asked as he started towards me. I sighed, shifting my gaze down onto his red and black shoes, as if the worn out converse were more interesting than the thoughts that were spinning in my head.

"Alex," I began, a sharp sigh escaping my mouth, "I'm uh- Dr. Hale told me that I'm... I'm three months pregnant... and the father is Oliver." I said, closing my eyes and mentally preparing myself for the line of curse words that never came. I opened my eyes and saw Alex standing there, the color completely drained from his face while he stood there, as still as a fucking statue.

"Y-You're pregnant?" Alex stuttered in disbelief.

"Yes," I sighed, "I'm three months pregnant."

Painful minutes of silence passed by before Alex finally said something. "Amelia," he whispered as he cupped my face with his large hands, forcing me to look deep into his brown eyes, "no matter what happens, I will always be there for you. I... I love you." He whispered, his words causing tears to form in my eyes. Not because of how sweet his words sounded, but because of how real they were. As soon as Alex had said those three words, it felt as if someone had hit me with a pile of bricks.

"I... I l-love you too, Lex." I replied. My conscious was screaming at me, telling me that I was nothing but a worthless liar... and it was telling the truth. My feelings for Alex are there, they definitely are, but I am certain that they're not love. As much as I hate to admit this, my heart still belongs to the man that played me like a fucking toy. And that man is Oliver fucking Sykes.

Alex grinned, "You do?" He asked. I couldn't say anything so instead, I nodded and pressed my lips against his. Alex placed his hand on the back of my neck, pushing our lips closer together while deepening the passionate kiss. Tears were running down my cheeks as our lips continued to mold perfectly together.

As much as I'd rather not be a teen mom, I'm still happy that I have Alex by my side. He's a great guy, and even if the biological father isn't here for this child, that sure as hell doesn't mean I'm going to give up on him/her. I'm going to raise him/her with nothing but love, kindness and affection. Being a teen mom isn't going to be easy, I know that, but I am beyond grateful and happy that I at least have Alex by my side. Together, I know that I'm going to be able to get through this. I'm already three months down, only six more to go.


Okay, what do you guys think about this chapter? Also, I wanted to mention that Jenna has not been forgotten in this story, just trying to find a place for her to fit in. Idk if I'll upload the next chapter tomorrow or wut, I only uploaded this chapter because i fet like it, but I must go and watch Supernatural now, bye lovlies! ^-^ xxx ~Marie

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