Chapter Forty Four: All Of The Years I Want To Be With You

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Guys, please please please, play the song on the sidebar while reading this chapter. I know that the song might not be what you look for in music, but trust me, it made this chapter so much more special.I recommend strongly that you play it. I also apologize for the length of this chapter.


The next morning, Jenna made breakfast for Oliver, Lelanie and I. Of course, the breakfast was fucking delicious. Jenna has always been an amazing cook, for breakfast she made us pancakes, eggs, and french toast with milk on the side. Last night, after spending intense hours in the hotel room- Oliver and I came home at around midnight. Lelanie was fast asleep, but Jenna was up and continued teasing us throughout the night about how we spent way too long at the hotel. Jenna also asked us if we had remembered to use a condom. Of course we did... At least, I think we did... 

"Amelia," Jenna spoke, snapping me out of my thoughts. I tilted my head, looking directly at her. "Is it alright if I take Lani to Cam's house for a while? I told him about Lelanie yesterday and the dork has been wanting to meet her ever since." She explained, her eyes lighting with hope and happiness. I nodded, thinking that it would be a good idea for Lani to spend a bit of time with her aunt. Afterall, we won't be visiting forever.  

After Oliver and I were finished with our breakfast, Jenna left the house with Lelanie, leaving Oliver and I alone again. Oliver suggested watching a movie, but I didn't feel like sitting around and watching television all day so I suggested we go for a walk or something.  

"Fine." Oliver gave in, groaning slightly. I grinned widely as I stood up from the chair and pecked Oliver's lips. 

"Okay, I'm going to go take a shower and get dressed." I said and began walking towards the staircase. 

"Can I join you?" Oliver asked from the kitchen.  

I laughed, turning around so I was now facing him from the staircase. "You may, Mr. Sykes."  


I tugged on my grey sweatshirt, pulling the hem of the sweatshirt down. Oliver was behind me getting dressed. Although we're in Australia and it's the beginning of March, it's almost the beginning of winter here but it still isn't very chilly so we didn't have to worry about getting 'cold'.  

Once Oliver and I were finished changing, he grabbed a hold of my hand, interlocking his fingers with mine as we headed out of the house.  

We began walking in the direction of a familiar park. By heart, I knew the directions of the park. It doesn't hold the best memories, but it's the park where Oliver and I first. It's also the park where I pushed Oliver off the swing set.  

"Oh my god," Oliver groaned once he realized where exactly I was taking him. I couldn't help but laugh at his expression. Countless times, Oliver has told me how much he regrets being a complete twat to me when we were younger, but I don't care about the past anymore- just the present. Oliver then began to protests but I ignored his rambling as I dragged him to the swingset. What was once a new, freshly painted swing set, was now rusty and worn out from all these years. The park was deserted, not another soul in sight.  

I claimed the empty swing, my hands gripping tightly on to the rusty metal chains that hung on the sides of the swing. Oliver sighed, taking the seat next to mine. "I don't understand why you would want to come back here, Em. This place holds nothing but bad memories." He said, looking straight ahead. It didn't seem as if Oliver were looking at anything specific, more like staring blankly at our surroundings.  

"I know but," I bit my lip, grabbing a hold of Oliver's hand and entwining my fingers with his. "I figured we could replace all the bad memories with good ones. That way, when we look back at this park, we won't have just negative things to say about it." I watched as Oliver got up from the swingset, his fingers still locked with mine, and stood in front of me. He looked down at me, smiling widely.  

"Okay, let's make good memories." He stood me up. Placing one hand on the back of my head, Oliver pressed his lips against my own. My eyes fluttered closed as I happily returned the kiss. I wrapped one of my arms around his waist, the other hand still entwined with his, as I stood on the tips of my toes, trying desperately to deepen the sweet kiss. If it weren't for the fact that I needed air in my lungs, I would have continued kissing Oliver, but unfortunately I couldn't so I ended up being the first to pull away. Oliver pressed his forehead against mine, grabbing a hold of my other hand, entwining our fingers together. He smiled down at me, -a bit breathless-. "I love you so much, Amelia." He whispered, leaning in closer so our noses were now touching.  

"I love you too, Oliver." I breathed out as I inhaled his sweet musky scent.  

"Close your eyes, Em." Oliver whispered. I nodded as I slowly closed my eyes. I frowned slightly as I felt Oliver loosen both of his hands free from mine. I heard him take a step back, inhaling a sharp breath of air before he began to speak again. "Okay, you can open your eyes," he said.  

I opened my eyes, a quiet gasp left my mouth as I glanced down at Oliver. He was no longer standing, he was now down on one knee, a small black velvet box held tightly in his tattooed hands. Tears brimmed my eyes as I placed my hand over my mouth, completely shocked.  

Oliver smiled slightly, "Amelia, will you marry me?" He asked, opening the velvet box to reveal a beautiful engagement ring. Without hesitation, I nodded in response. 

"Yes!" I cried, tears now falling from my eyes. "Yes, Oliver!" Oliver stood up, smiling widely and looking relieved. He grabbed ahold of my left hand and slid the ring on to my finger. Through blurry vision, I stared at the ring in awe. I glanced back at Oliver, jumping into his arms as I kissed him passionately. All of a sudden, a wave of cheers ripped through the silence. I pulled away from the kiss and looked over Oliver's shoulder, surprised to see a small crowd of people standing about twenty feet away from us. I quickly discovered that the crowd was made up of the girls from Romance Is Dead, my bandmates, Emily, the rest of the guys from Bring Me, Lelanie, Jenna, and finally, Jordan. They all stared at us with happy faces, completely aware of the situation.  

"She said yes!" Nicholls shouted, followed by of chorus of cheers and applauds.  

I looked back at Oliver who was now smiling widely, his grip on me having yet to loosen. "You planned all of this?" I asked, shocked but still extremely happy.  

Chuckling, Oliver nodded. "Yup. I've been wanting to purpose to you for a while, but I didn't know when to do it. Once you told me that you wanted to come to Australia, I knew that it would be the perfect place to ask. I knew that sooner or later, you'd want to come and visit this park, so I decided that then, I would purpose. I told every single one of our closest friends about my plan and they all agreed to fly out to Australia. When you told me earlier that you wanted to come here, I messaged Jenna and told her that it was time and to tell everyone else to follow us here. Everything seemed to fall perfectly into place and thankfully, you said 'yes'." He explained, smiling widely throughout the entire thing. My eyes widened once he finished explaining, shocked at how everything did seem to fall into place.  

"I love you, Amelia and I mean it. I want to wake up to your beautiful face every single morning, and I want you to officially be mine." Oliver pressed his lips against mine. "I love you so much." He repeated. 

"I love you too, Oliver." I replied, tears still falling freely from my eyes, but they weren't tears of sadness. No, they were tears of joy, happiness, love and everything in between. I mean, who wouldn't be crying if the person you love purposed to you? I love Oliver so much and I don't see myself being with any other man. The time I spent with Alex, I did grow some feelings for him, but they were feelings that leaned more to a strong friendship, they have never been or never will be as strong as the feelings I hold towards Oliver. Never.


Guys, seriously, while writing this chapter, I felt like crying. The song is just so beautiful and I think it fits perfectly with this chapter. This isn't the end, but god dammit, my heart is swollen from writing this. Anyways, tell me what you think? Title Credit goes to the song on the sidebar ^-^ Jason Derulo is fucking amazing. Also a picture of the ring is on the sidebar.

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