Chapter Forty Three: Pick Me Up Now, I Need You So Bad

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Song & Title Credit: Down - Blink-182


Australia. Sydney to be more specific. Sydney, Australia is our destination. Although flying isn't my favorite thing in the world, it's definitely worth it. Thanks to the constant tours in America, Oliver is used to flying. Cease To Exist usually does tours in the UK, so we don't fly much. Emily has this issue with flying, she's terrified of flying, that's one of the main reasons why most of our shows are in the UK. Not that I'm complaining. 

To my right, Lelanie slept peacefully, her body slightly curled in the airplane seat. Meanwhile, Oliver sat in the left seat, headphones covering his ears as he listened to Fall Out Boy loudly. Unfortunately, I forgot my Ipod in my luggage bag, so I'm stuck with nothing but my mind to keep me occupied. Well, I do have Oliver, but he's listening to music, I don't want to be a bother- 

Oh, fuck it. I'm bored. 

"Oliver," I hissed, careful not to wake Lelanie up. "Oliver." I jabbed my finger into his shoulder, earning his attention. Oliver removed his headphones, glancing down at me with a questioning look. "Oli, I'm bored." I muttered, my words causing Oliver to chuckle, but I saw no humor in them. "Entertain me?" I suggested, my eyes pleading as I stared up at him. 

Oliver pressed his lips together in a tight line, obviously thinking about my suggestion. "Entertain you how?" He finally asked. His questioned causing me to groan in frustration. I simply shrugged my shoulders in response, not knowing what to say. Oliver grinned, "Will a kiss satisfy the queen?" He asked, his voice half serious. 

"No," I shook my head. "But do it anyways." Oliver laughed, nodding his head. He leaned towards me, his lips lightly brushing over mine before he pulled away. I frowned, dissatisfied with the short kiss. "What the hell, Oli? That wasn't a kiss." Oliver laughed, amused. "Stop laughing a kiss me again, but this time, do it for real." I ordered, my loud voice earning strange looks from the other passengers, but I ignored them and kept my gaze fixed on Oliver. Is it strange that my immense boredom is making the urge to have sex with Oliver grow increasingly larger? It probably is, but oh well. No one has to know.  

Oliver turned his body in his seat so he was facing me, the amused look in his eyes having yet to leave. He cupped the sides of my face with his large hands, leaning slowly towards me. Eager to close the distance between us, I leaned forward, my lips now firmly pressed against Oliver's. I could feel some of the other passengers giving us dirty looks, but if they don't like it, they don't have to look in our direction. It's simple. Besides, it's not like we're having sex or anything like that. If we were, it'd probably be in the bathroom, not in front of everyone.  

It felt nice, the feeling of Oliver's lips moving in perfect sync with my own. Truthfully, there's never one day I regret getting back together with Oliver. I do still think of Alex and what I did to him. Even though what I felt wasn't love, I did feel something while I was with Alex. I liked Alex, a lot, but my love towards him will never even compare to the way I feel towards Oliver. Lelanie still sometimes asks about Alex, requesting to see him again, but the last time I tried calling Alex, his cell phone number was no longer in service. I've kept in touch with Jack, Rian and Zack. In fact, I talked to Rian the other day. I asked him how Alex was doing and to my surprise, a few months after I left Alex, he moved in with a girl named 'Ashley'. No, I'm not jealous, I'm extremely happy and glad that Alex was able to find someone else. I hope he's happy with this Ashley woman, I just wish things didn't have to end the way they did. I never wanted to hurt Alex, but what other choice did I have?  

Pushing my thoughts away, I placed my hands on Oliver's chest, gripping on his blue flannel as I brought our bodies closer together, wanting nothing more but to have him pressed up against me. I know that we're showing a major display of PDA, but hey, it's not my fault his lips are so soft and kissable, and when I kiss him, I crave more of him. Jesus, it's like I'm cast under Oliver's spell, having no realization what I'm doing when I'm around him.  

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