Chapter Forty Two: He Hasn't Been Sober For Days

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I apologize for the length of this chapter.

Song & Title Credit: Remembering Sunday- All Time Low


A tired sigh left my mouth as I used the scissors to remove the tape that kept the folds on the large box shut. My hands were sore, as were my feet, but I continued with unpacking the finale box. Oliver had taken Lelanie out for something to eat not too long ago, leaving me to finish unpacking and settling everything in. I didn't really mind though, I was just tired of removing all this damn tape.  

It's been little over a month since I got back together with Oliver. A few weeks ago, we signed the lease to a nice house that happened to be pretty close to Pre-School. I also knew that this is the around the time that the tour Alex's on would be finished. I haven't told Alex that I'm finished with him, somehow I hope that he understands, but I know he won't. Any hope for a friendship between us is pointless. By the time Alex is finished reading the letter that I had left him, he is going to hate me. Not that I blame him.  

Forcing my thoughts away, I looked around the final room that needed to be unpacked- Oliver's and my bedroom. In the beginning, the room was an ugly green colour, but Oliver and I managed to scramble enough money to fix that problem. We had painted the walls a dark red colour, the carpet being replaced with hardwood floors. We also managed to get enough money to get new furniture. Some of the furniture we had found in the junk yard. After cleaning and sanitizing it, we had placed it in our new home.  

Lelanie had also decorated her room to her liking. Her favorite colour is purple so naturally, -with help from Oliver and I- she painted the walls a bright purple colour, the carpet had also been replaced with hardwood floor, but Oliver and I had placed a large purple rug in the room in attempt to keep Lelanie from slipping and hurting herself.  

Even after all this time Oliver and I have spent together, I still fear that I will wake up soon. That Oliver and I getting back together will all be just one, long, happy dream. That's something I fear, and I've told Oliver that before, but I know that all of this isn't a dream, and that Oliver, Lelanie and I are really, finally, a family.  

I hung the many picture frames on the wall, smiling slightly at the memory of when Oliver had got back from the store, announcing to Lelanie and I that he had bough a camera and intended on taking pictures of us every day. And he kept that promise. Well, until the film ran out in the camera, but instead of buying another film, Oliver went to go get the photos printed at the store. Now, we have dozens of pictures of Lelanie and I doing daily things. That usually involving me washing dishes, Lelanie coloring in her large coloring book, and simple things like that.  

Once I was finished hanging all the pictures up, I walked back over to the final box that lied tightly closed on the large bed. Opening the box up, a sigh of relief left my mouth once I realized that the final box was filled with nothing but those foam peanuts they put into packages when delivery or moving something delicate. Well, no wonder why it was so damn light.  

In a few days, it'll be Halloween, and of course, we plan on decorating our house. We're the house sitting at the end of a dead end street, the neighborhood isn't like the rich neighborhood I used to live in when I first got here in Sheffield -thank God for that. But it's nice enough for Lelanie to be able to play outside in the front lawn without having to worry about a drive by happening any second of the day. Yeah, that was probably the only thing Oli and I were looking for when searching for the 'perfect home'. So far, this house is perfect for us, and I don't see myself leaving this place anytime soon. 

Third Person Point Of View 

Alex stumbled through the entrance of his home. He shouted Amelia's name, but there was no response. His palms were sweaty and his heart was beating rapidly. It's been over a month since he last spoke with Amelia. It's now Sunday, and still no sign of her or Lelanie. Sapphire updated him a few weeks ago, telling him that Amelia was fine and happy, but that's the problem. That's all she told him, she didn't say anything, and when Alex asked her where she was, she hung up.  

He ran through the house, calling out Amelia's name, but the results were the same as before. Different thoughts were racing through his mind; Amelia and Lelanie could have gotten kidnapped, they could have gotten hurt in a bad accident. All those thoughts didn't matter, though, because Alex knew. Deep down, he knew the reason why Amelia wasn't answering any of his calls, the reason why she wasn't here, but Alex didn't want to believe his conscious.  

Alex took a deep breath as he pushed the bedroom door open. His heart sank once he saw that Amelia's things were gone. The dresser that had belonged to her had been emptied out. Pictures, make up, shoes, almost everything Amelia owned was gone. Meaning, that so was she. He wanted to cry, he wanted to scream, but he couldn't, because deep down, he also knew that this day would come. He knew that someday, Amelia would realize that she didn't love him like he loved her, and she would leave... And that is exactly what happened.  

With a sour look, Alex stumbled out of their bedroom and into the kitchen. At that moment, he was looking for one thing and one thing only; alchohal.  

Alex walked towards the fridge. He placed his hand on the handle of the fridge, but before opening it, his eyes landed on a paper stuck by a magnet on the fridge. He grabbed the paper, immediately recognizing the hand writing that belonged to Amelia.  

'Alex, by now, you've probably already figured out that I left. I am so sorry, but I just don't think that it's fair if I'm with you, when my heart belongs to someone else. I love you, Alex, but my love will never be more than that of a really close friend. Again, I'm sorry, and I know that you probably hate me more than anyone else right now, but I just want to tell you, thank you, for everything that you have done for Lelanie and I. When I was heart broken, you were there to help me back up, and I will never forget that. You probably don't want to, but we can still be friends. Also, you can see Lelanie whenever you please. I just can't be with you anymore, I'm sorry. Please, take care. ~Amelia'

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