Chapter Forty One: Feed You To The Hell-hounds

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Song: Softer Softer by Hole

Chapter Forty One: Feed You To Hell-hounds 


I woke up the next morning, worrying to be greeted by an empty bed and no Oliver, but to my relief, I wasn't. Oliver was sitting up on the bed next to me, notepad in his hand while he continued speaking on the phone. To whom? I have no clue. Looking over Oliver's shoulder, I saw that he had a telephone book sitting next to the notepad, I also noticed that the page was flipped to 'Realtor'.  

"Oli?" I mumbled, letting an exhausted yawn leave my mouth as I stretched my arms in the air. Oliver turned to face me, his eyes met with mine, 'Good morning,' he mouthed before turning his attention back to the phone book.  

'Yeah, no, that'd be great.... Today at noon?.... Oh, alright. Thank you so much... See you soon, Karla.' said Oliver before hanging up the phone. He sighed quietly as he closed the telephone book and set everything on the nightstand next to our bed.  

"Who was that?" I asked, lying back down on the bed. The blinds were shut, but I could still see the rays of light peeking through the small openings, it irritated me for some reason, but obviously, I couldn't do anything about it. Turning to my side, I yawned quietly as I closed my eyes, not really trying to fall back asleep, just not wanting to see the light any longer. 

"My friend, Julie. She's a Realtor. I looked her up on the phone book and asked her if she could help us look for houses today. She's in London right now, but she booked us with her sister, Karla. She said we can meet her at three to discuss what kind of house we're looking for." Oliver answered. He laid back down, wrapped his arm around my waist and buried his face into my back, his touch still managing to give me butterflies, which I love.  

I chuckled quietly, "You have a friend who's a Realtor?" I asked.  

"Yeah, I met her a few months back. Nicholls introduced me to her." He said, I could practically hear the smile in his voice. 

"Who's Nicholls?" I turned my body so I was now facing him. Oliver propped himself up with one hand and smiled down at me. 

"He's my band mate." Oliver answered. 

"Band mate?" I questioned, feeling completely confused. 

Oliver chuckled quietly, "A few years ago, I formed a band with the guys who helped me record 'Deathbeds'. I sing, Matt Nicholls is the drummer, Matt Kean is the bass player, Curtis plays the rhythm guitar, and Lee Malia is the lead guitarist. We've already released an EP and an album. Our manager, Ryan, and the record label wants us to begin recording our second album soon." He explained, the wide smile never once leaving his features.  

"Wow," I breathed out, "I didn't know you wanted to be in a band. What's your guys' name?"  

"Bring Me The Horizon." Oliver answered, smiling proudly. He leaned down and pressed his lips against mine, "but enough about me. You do realize that your still naked, don't you?" He asked, his words managing to make the heat rise on my cheeks. 

Chuckling, I nodded in response, "I am well aware of that." I replied, smirking against his lips, "but, we can't do anything right now because it's Monday and I need to take Lelanie to school. What time is it anyways?" I asked. 

"Eight-thirty, love." Oliver answered. 

Sitting up on the bed, I looked around the room, searching for my clothing. I managed to find my socks, pants, bra and underwear on the floor, all scattered around the bedroom. "Really?" I chuckled as I picked up my ripped t-shirt from the floor. Oliver laughed as he pulled on his boxers and his jeans.

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