Chapter Thirty Four: Make It A Sweet Goodbye

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Song & Title Credit: Lullabies by All Time Low

Amelia's POV~ 

I stepped out of the taxi, Alex handing the cab driver the amount of money we owed him. I grabbed Alex's and my bags from the trunk of the taxi car and set them a few feet away from the cab. After hours of sitting in an uncomfortable seat on an airplane, Alex and I finally arrived in Baltimore. Alex told me while we were on the plane that we would be renting out a motel room rather than having to stay at his friend, Jack's house.  

"Ready?" Alex asked as he picked up his bags from the ground. Grabbing my bags, I nodded in response and with that, we both started walking towards the front entrance of the hotel building. Alex wanted to stay at some five start hotel, but I knew how expensive those places are and instead, I told him that staying at a cheaper hotel would be much better. He protested a little a first but quickly gave in to the idea. I'm not exactly sure what Alex is going to be doing while here in Baltimore, but I know that it's something that involves his three other friends; Jack Barakat, Zack Merrick and Rian Dawson.  

After checking in at the front desk, Alex and I rode the elevator up to the seventh floor where room 753 was located, also known as our room. Alex also wanted to rent out two rooms, one for him and one for me, but I told him that wouldn't be necessary. Sharing a bed won't be so bad, we're just friends and I'm certain that Alex wouldn't try anything.  

Once we reached our room, Alex unpacked his bags while I just shoved the suitcases into a corner, not wanting to have to deal with the pain of unpacking. Seriously, who enjoys packing or unpacking? Certainly, not me. All I want and need is sleep for at least a week and I know that won't be a problem because Alex said that we're going to spend at least a couple of months here in Baltimore, which I'm perfectly fine with. The longer we spend away from Sheffield, the better.  

I tried ignoring the loud rumbling coming from my stomach, but the attempt was pointless. I haven't ate anything since the early morning and it's really beginning to get to me. Actually, I've seem to getting hungrier a lot more than before. It used to be that the thought of a double cheeseburger with large fries would make me want to throw up, but now, the idea of ramming that cheeseburger down my throat is absolutely mouth watering.  

I sat up on the queen-sized bed and stared at Alex who was now shoving his clothes into the drawers that the hotel had placed in the small room. "Alex," I began, deciding to let him know about my little 'food crisis', "I'm hungry." I whined.  

Alex breathed out a laugh, "Alright, Em-" I fought the strong urge to cringe at the horrid nickname, "-What do you want to eat?" He asked, smiling slightly. He closed the drawer and walked towards me, sitting on the edge of the large bed.  

"Um," I paused, pressing my lips together in a tight line. To be completely honest, I wanted to ask Alex if he could just drive out to some fast food place and order every damn burger on the menu, but sadly, we didn't have a car with us so neither Alex or I would be able to carry all those delicious burgers back to the hotel. "Just get me anything, doesn't matter." I smiled.  

Alex nodded, sending me a crooked smile before walking towards the door. "I'll be back in a little while," he said before leaving the room. I let a low sigh escape my mouth as I flopped back down on the bed. It felt so... weird being here in Baltimore. Knowing that I had no family or friends in this big city kind of scared me, but I was with Alex and I knew that he wouldn't let anything happen to me.  

If you think about, Alex is really the only person from high school that I still talk to. Diana was my friend but I haven't talked to her since graduation. As for Lisa, Jessica, Savannah and Mike, they stopped talking to me when I began hanging out with Oliver. Reasons for that? I don't know or care. They're just people from my past, just like Diana and Oliver are.  

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