Chapter Eleven: This Is No Hallucination

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Title Credit & Song: Wake Up by Suicide SIlence


I looked around the courtyard in search of Oliver. Surprisingly, he wasn't at his usual spot. I had even brought him his favorite lunch food, Spaghetti. At least, that's what he told me he loved from the cafeteria. Not like he had much to choose from. I came to the conclusion that Oliver wasn't here today. Weird, I saw him in class earlier... Maybe, he checked out? Who knows. Well, I guess I'll just go sit with my other friends.

"Hey guys." I greeted, smiling slightly as I approached Jessica, Alex, Mike, Diana, Lisa and Savannah. The all looked up at me and glared. Well, everyone except Alex and Diana. "What's wrong?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at them.

"You're not eating with Sykes?" Mike asked, his voice bitter and filled with hate.

I don't know what it was about how he said Oli's name that irritated me. He spoke of him as if he was some sort of insect. Something that someone should get rid of. "No," I replied, "I don't see him here so I figured I'd come eat with you guys."

Mike chuckled bitterly, "I don't think you'll be seeing him anytime soon." He muttered under his breath. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to hear what he had said but I chose to ignore his words. Instead, I took my place in between Diana and Alex and began to drink my beverage in silence. Despite the conversation that the four of them were having, the air was tense and I knew I wasn't the only one that felt it.

I couldn't get Mike's words out of my head. 'I don't think you'll be seeing him anytime soon...' What the hell is that supposed to mean? Did he do something to Oliver? He better not have... Oliver still hasn't fully opened up to me but he doesn't deserve all the negativity he gets from others.

Still, I couldn't help but feel as if something was wrong... Mike's words repeated themselves in my head. Finally, I decided I would go search for Oliver. I stood up from the table and headed out of the cafeteria room, not even bothering to throw away my untouched lunch food.

Walking down the corridors, I stopped a student I recognized from my English class and asked him whether he had seen Oli or not. Thankfully, he said he had. He told me that he had seen Oliver run into the boy's bathroom, he also told me that he looked as if he had been beaten pretty badly. I thanked my peer before quickly walking down the corridor. There are eight bathrooms in this school. Four for girls and four for boys. There's a bathroom on every floor... The boy said he had seen Oli not to long ago so I'm assuming he's in the first floor bathroom.

Once I reached the boy's bathroom, I saw a sight that both shocked and horrified me.

Oliver~ *Earlier that day*

Inhaling the smoke from my cigarette, I looked around the back of the school and sighed quietly. It's currently fourth period and classes should be ending in about ten minutes. Of course, I skipped out on gym and instead, spent my fourth period at the back of the school, smoking cigarettes and organizing some of the random lyrics I had written down yesterday.

Once I was finished smoking the cigarette, I flicked it onto the ground and pressed the sole of my shoe onto it, making sure the cigarette was completely burnt out. I probably reeked of cigarettes and marijuana but I didn't care. People were probably used to my smell. Surprisingly, Amelia hasn't said anything about it.. Maybe she just doesn't care?

Suddenly, I heard multiple voices making their way towards me. I looked up and felt my body tense once I saw three familiar figures. The same assholes who would always bully me and tease the shit out of me. Those assholes being Mike, the leader and his two followers, Ian and Cole. I swear, those two idiots practically worshiped the ground that wanker walked on. It was pathetic.

Our Secrets Will Kill Us // Oliver SykesWhere stories live. Discover now