Chapter Thirty: Used

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Song: When I'm Gone By Wiz Khalifa [I think this song goes perfect with this chapter .-.]


After I left Amelia's house, I realized that I would have to find a place to stay. I didn't know where else to go so I decided to turn to Hannah for help. She had to talk and lie to her parents, she told them that my parents were off on vacation and I couldn't stay alone. Luckily though, her mum was a nice lady and she decided to help me out. Her dad wasn't too keen on the idea but, then again, what dad would be happy about having some teenage boy staying under the same roof as his daughter, right? 

Now here I am, sitting on Hannah's couch, waiting for her to come back with blankets and pillows. They have a guest bedroom but it's filled with boxes so I'm sleeping on the couch tonight. I don't really mind though, I'm grateful that Hannah's parents even let me stay here.  

"So," I heard Hannah say as she walked into the living room, holding a large blanket and a white pillow, "Are you going to tell me what happened?" She asked, smiling slightly. I nodded as I grabbed the pillow and blanket from her hold, 

"I left Amelia." I mumbled, trying to hide the pain in my voice. I never thought I'd have to say those three words. I always imagined myself saying 'I love you' instead of 'I left you'. It sucks because Amelia's probably thinking that when she wakes up, I'll still be there. Fuck, she probably thinks I just used her for sex and then left her.  

Hannah's eyes widened, obviously not expecting the news I had just told her, "You what?" She asked, her voice high and laced with confusion.  

"I left Amelia," I repeated, sighing heavily. Pressing my lips together in a tight line, I ran my fingers through my messy hair and sat back on the couch.  

"Why?" Hannah asked.  

"Because," I shrugged, "I could see that things weren't going to work out so I decided to break it off." I replied, it wasn't a complete lie. I knew that with Amelia being with me, she would never be safe. I couldn't even protect her from my father, why would she want to be with me? I'm a pathetic bastard who doesn't deserve love.  


To my disappointment, I woke up the next morning to an empty bed. I grabbed the cover and pulled the warm blanket over my naked body. I said to myself that Oliver was probably downstairs or in the shower, but my conscious told me different. The shower wasn't running and there was no noise coming from downstairs.  

Letting my curiosity get the best of me, I stood up from the bed and pulled on one of Oliver's shirts that he had left lying on the ground before slipping on some panties and stepping out of my bedroom. I knew my father wasn't home anymore, it was already half past ten and by now, he would be at the office so I didn't have to worry about him seeing me in someone else's shirt.  

I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. Instead of seeing Oliver standing in front of the stove like I had expected, I found an empty kitchen. Not letting my nerves get the best of me, I walked into the music room and got the same results; an empty room and no Oliver in sight.  

Walking back upstairs, I hurried into my bedroom and dialed Oliver's number. I pressed the phone against my ear, the seconds dragged by slowly and to my discomfort, Oliver didn't answer. I tried calling him again, hoping he would pick up this time but to no avail. I tossed my phone back on the bed and walked towards my closet. I slid the door open, my heart beat beginning to quicken once I saw Oliver's bag was no longer there.  

I stared at the empty spot where Oliver's clothes once were, completely confused. My thoughts were racing while images of last night's events replayed in my mind. He told me he loved me, Oliver told me he loved me and now he's gone, Oliver is gone. Feeling my legs weaken under my weight, I collapsed onto the floor, tears now brimming my eyes.  

Oliver used me, he used me for sex and then left. And now I wonder, was it all an act? Was he saying all those sweet and romantic things just to get in bed with me? Was he so kind and nice just to get in my pants? Why did he tell me that he loved me and then left? Honestly, I expected to wake up this morning in Oliver's arms but instead, I'm faced with a cold reality.  

Bringing my knees up to my chest, I buried my face in my hands and began letting the loud sobs escape my mouth. At that moment, I wanted nothing more but for Oliver to wrap his arms around me and comfort me. Even after all the bullshit that we've been through, he left me. He left without even leaving a note. Hell, he left without even saying fucking goodbye.  

I was ripped away from my thoughts once I heard the doorbell ring. Immediately, I shot up from the floor and sprinted downstairs. Instead of seeing Oliver like I had hope for, I was greeted by a familiar brunette. His smile quickly faded once he scanned my appearance. At first, I thought it was because I was in nothing but Oliver's shirt and some panties but was proved wrong when he asked me why I was crying.  

"O-Oliver left." I replied, more tears began falling from my eyes.  

"Left? Where did he go?" Alex asked, obviously confused by the entire situation. I can't blame him, I probably would be too if I found him crying, half naked, and telling me that his girlfriend had left him.  

"Honestly," I sighed, running my fingers through my messy hair, "I have no fucking idea." I answered, truthfully. Wiping my tears away with my arm, I stepped aside and let Alex into my home. I walked into the living room, Alex following closely behind me, and sat on the couch.  

I felt Alex wrap his arms around me and pull me into a comforting hug. "Don't cry, love," Alex cooed as he gently drew circles on my back with his finger, "It's Oliver's loss for leaving such a beautiful and amazing girl- woman, like you." His sweet words managed to earn a small smile from me.  

"Thank you, Lex," I whispered. Closing my eyes, I let my body relax in Alex's arms as I rested my head on his chest. Silence filled the room but it wasn't awkward, it was actually quit comfortable. Shortly after, I began falling asleep, Alex's arms still tightly wrapped around me.  


I woke up a few hours later in my bed. I looked under my covers and noticed that my once bare legs were covered by gray sweatpants and my feet adorned in black socks. My eyes scanned the dark room until they set on Alex who was sitting on a chair placed next to my bed.  

He looked up from his lap, "How are you feeling?" He asked, smiling slightly. Being able to hear the genuine kindness in Alex's voice made me feel grateful that I befriended him when I first got here back in January.  

Chuckling quietly, I shrugged my shoulders, "Honestly, I feel like utter shit." I answered. It was the truth, I felt like a dirty, used whore. Oliver used me for sex and then left me. I bet he didn't even mean it when he told me that he loved me.  

Alex sighed, "Amelia," he began as he stood up from the chair and took a seat on the edge of my bed, "What happened?" He asked, the sincerity in his voice made me spill everything out to him, starting from the point where I told Oliver that I loved him and ending with me waking up with an empty bed and a broken heart.


All of you fuckers had such amazing ideas, but I know exactly what the fuck is going to happen next >:3 I meant to make this chapter A LOT longer but my head hurts, my vision's getting kinda blurry and I'm tired as frick. Sorry guys. /,\

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