Chapter Twenty Eight: Romance Is Dead

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I aplogize for this short chapter....

Song: Tangled In The Great Escape by Pierce the Veil


"Have you shown Amelia the song yet?" Hannah asked as she took a seat next to me on the leather couch. Amelia is currently getting ready to go meet the other band so I decided to call Hannah over to keep me company. Amelia's father had something important that he wanted to tell her but, his work called him about thirty minutes ago and told him that there was another emergency with one of the clients.  

Nodding, I let a small smile appear on my lips once the memory of Amelia's birthday replayed in my head. "Yeah," I replied, "she loved it. She also said that you sounded amazing on the song." I added, grinning widely.  

Hannah blushed, "Shut up, Sykes but tell her I said thank you." She said, chuckling lightly. I have to admit, there's something about Hannah that I love. Of course, I don't love her in anyway more than a friend but I like how quickly I got comfortable around her. She's a nice girl and I definitely see each other being friends for a long time.  

"Yeah," I sighed, "What about you Hannah, are you seeing anyone right now?" I asked, genuinly curious. Hannah is a pretty girl and I highly doubt that she's single.  

Sighing, Hannah shrugged, "No, I'm not seeing anyone right now but, there is a guy who has caught my attention. The only problem is that he has a girlfriend." She replied, her lips pressing together in a tight line.  

"Oh," I mumbled, "are you going to try and steal him away?" I asked, half serious.  

Hannah laughed, "No, I'm not that kind of girl." She sighed, "Plus, it'll be pointless. He's head over heels for the girl." She quietly added, sadness laced in her voice. Before I was able to respond, Amelia walked into the music room.  

"Hey, Hannah." She greeted as she adjusted the red beanie that was pulled over her straight blonde hair. Her blue eyes flickered to me and a wide grin spread across her lips, "Should we get going right now?" She asked.  

I looked at the clock that hung on the wall and nodded, "Yeah," I replied before turning my attention back to Hannah, "Do you want to come with us?" I asked, smiling slightly.  

"No," Hannah shook her head, "I have to go down to a tattoo parlor. I'm going to watch my mentor tattoo a couple of people." She explained, smiling apologetically. I watched as Hannah stood up from the couch, said goodbye to Amelia before hurrying out the door. I thought it was kind of strange how quickly Hannah had left but I didn't think nothing of it.  

I stood up from the couch and walked towards Amelia. I cupped her face with my hands and gave her a crooked smile, "You look beautiful, Em." I told her, my words causing her pale cheeks to turn a light shade of red. She mumbled a small 'thank you' before entwining her small fingers with mine.  

We walked out of her house and started walking in the direction where Riot and Emily told them to meet up. Emily said that we should meet at around one in the afternoon at one of the small coffee shops downtown. Since neither Amelia and I don't own our own cars, we have to walk everywhere but neither her or I mind.  

After about twenty minutes of walking in a comfortable silence, we finally arrived at the small coffee shop. We entered the nearly empty shop and I spotted Emily, Riot, Sapphire, Abby, Nikki and four other girls sitting at one giant table. Well, it was just three round tables they had put together but it didn't seem like the staff seemed to mind. 

Abby looked in our direction, a wide grin appearing on her lips once she saw Amelia and I. Sapphire followed her gaze and motioned for us to join them at the three tables. I sat down in between Amelia and Nikki, facing Riot and an unfamiliar girl.  

"So," Riot began, grinning widely, "now, that everyone's here, I would like to introduce you guys to our band and our manager." She announced before she began introducing everyone. 

"This is Hanah Marie, she's our manager-" she pointed to a short girl with a mix of blue and green eyes, shoulder length brown hair with straight across bangs. Her skin was a nice ivory color and she wore a purple oversize sweater. She also had a hoop in her nostril and spider-bite piercings. I have to admit, she looked very pretty. The aura that surrounded her seemed to be welcoming and calming.  

"Hey," she waved to everyone, a smile forming on her lips which exposed two deep dimples on her cheeks.  

"That girl-" She motioned to a tall looking girl with brown skin, thick curly hair and brown eyes. She had her thick curly hair down and was wearing a red t-shirt with some sort of anime show imprinted on it. "-is our guitarist, Jaylee Robinson." She finished, grinning widely at Jaylee who eagerly returned the smile.

"Over there-" Pointing to the girl with dark brown hair and hazel eyes, "-is Athena Rosemary, she's our bassist."  

"Also, that's Jenny Ramirez. She's our leading guitarist." Riot added, nudging towards the short girl with the slightly pale face. She had dark brown hair, brown eyes and stretched ears. Tattoos covered -what was visible of- her arms and she had on a black t-shirt with a black beanie pulled over her head.  

"Finally," Riot chuckled, "this beautiful babe is our singer, Aurora but we call her Teddy." She smiled widely to the girl sitting next to her. She had long brown hair, brown eyes and porcelain skin.  

"Teddy?" Emily chuckled, raising an eyebrow at her.  

Smiling, Teddy nodded, "Yup," she replied.  

"I already introduced Sapphire, Nikki and Abby to my band soo...." Riot trailed off.  

Amelia nodded, "I'm Amelia Taylor, I'm the singer for Cease To Exist and this is my boyfriend, Oliver Sykes." She announced, sending me a wide smile. As cheesy as this might sound, her smile seemed to light up the room. Her smile was captivating and her electric blue eyes were incredible.  

"Alright," Hanah clapped her hands together, "we should probably discuss the tour dates and all that crap. Our band is big enough to afford our own bus but we can only have on so we're going to have to share with you guys. Unless, you don't mind riding in a van." She said, shrugging her shoulders.  

Sapphire shook her head, "I don't mind," she said, "as long as we get to tour, I could give less of a shit what we ride in." Everyone at the table nodded their head in agreement, including me. I haven't started a band yet but, I'm definitely thinking about it. The guys that Jordan introduced me a couple of days ago asked me if I wanted to join a band with them but I denied their offer. The reason for that; I don't think I'm ready to join a band just yet.  

"How many bunks are there on the bus?" Abby asked.  

"Twelve but, we're going to need room for the drum and guitar techs. Also, we can share the techs if you don't have any." Teddy said, holding up four fingers on her right hand.  

Amelia nodded, "Yeah, so... how many techs are there?" She asked.  

Riot shrugged, "There's Sammy, Jake and Levi... so three. Sammy and Jake are the guitar techs and Levi is the drum tech." She replied.  

"I think," Sapphire began, "Emily should ride with you guys on the tour bus and you can use the spare bunk as a junk bunk. The girls and I will just ride in a van."  

Emily nodded, "I think it's a good idea, what do you guys think?" She asked, the girls all replied with a 'yeah' and all nodded in agreement. It was exciting seeing how nicely things were coming together for them. Amelia formed the band a little over a month ago and they were already planing on going on a tour with a well known band. I think, at that moment, we all knew that Cease To Exist were going to blow up... and soon.


I keep forgetting to fucking mention this but, Alex Gaskarth is playing the Alex in this story. I know, I know, Alex lived in Baltimore and blah blah blah but don't worry, all that will be explained later on...

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