Chapter Fourteen: Finding Out The Truth

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Song: Still Into You By Paramore


Walking back upstairs and into my bedroom, I made sure to lock the door behind me before hurrying over to the closet. So far, my father seems clueless as to Oliver hiding in my bedroom. Ever since I was younger, my father has been a very naive man. He would never suspect his precious little girl hiding a teenage boy in her closet.  

Well, it's not like we're going to do anything. The only reason why Oliver is in my room is because I don't want to send him home. I'd rather be grounded for however long my father decides to ground me rather than sending Oliver home, knowing that's he's going to go home to a monster. Yeah, I definitely don't want to do that.  

I opened the closet door where I found Oliver leaning against the wall, his head lolled back and his eyes were closed. "Oh shit," Oliver gasped, "I thought you were your dad." He admitted, chuckling lightly. "Where's your dad?" He asked.  

I shrugged, "He's downstairs, watching some news show." I replied, "I ordered some pizza. Are you hungry?" I asked.  

Oliver eagerly nodded, "Starving, actually." He admitted. I laughed quietly and grabbed his hand before leading him onto my bed. We sat down on the edge of my bed, silence engulfed the air around us but neither of us seemed to mind. I wanted to ask Oli hundreds of questions but I knew it would be best not to bomb board him with the questions.  

"You're not going to ask why?" Oli asked, his voice held absolutely no emotion.  

Turning to face him, I raised an eyebrow, "What?"  

Oli ran his tattooed fingers through his hair and sighed, "You're not wondering why he did it?" He asked. I said nothing but nodded in response. That was one of the things I was wondering but the main one was; Why wasn't his mother doing anything about the abuse?  

Oli sighed, "When I was eleven years old, my mother took Tom and left me with my dad. He drove her away, he lost his job when we moved here. He started drinking again, snorting cocaine, doing any kind of drug he was able to.  

"He got abusive again. The first time he hit my mother was when we were back in Australia but he continued doing it. He would come home drunk, high or sometimes both and b-beat her. He even raped her!" Oli whispered the last part, a single tear fell from his eye but he continued with his story.  

"Anyways, the abuse got to the point where I was fearing for my mother's life. One day, he threatened to kill her and that's when she left. She grabbed her wallet, Tom and left. She said she would be coming back for me but... she never did. After that day, my father started beating me daily. He called me useless, pathetic, worthless and just about every other insult you could possibly think of.  

"I blame my mother... for everything. She lied to me, she told me she would be coming back for me but... she never did. She took my brother away, she took my innocent little fucking brother away! She fucking left me to die with that... that fucking asshole. I just..." Oli trailed off, unable to finish his sentance.  

His body began to tremble and he buried his face in his hands, loud sobs escaped Oli and I immediately wrapped my arms around him. Oli buried his face into my chest as I continued to rub circles on his back in attempt to calm him down. Once Oli was calm enough, I pulled away from our embrace.  

I placed my hands on Oli's shoulder, forcing him to look at me. "Oliver, listen to me." I began, my voice serious, "Everything is going to be fine. I fucking promise you that everything is going to be fine and I'm not going to let anyone hurt you ever again, okay?"  

Oli bit his lip and nodded in response. "Okay." He whispered, his voice barely audible. Never before have I seen him in such a vulnerable state. I've never seen anyone in as much pain as Oliver is in right now. It angers me to know that his own fucking father is the reason for his pain.  

Our Secrets Will Kill Us // Oliver SykesWhere stories live. Discover now