Chapter Thirty Eight: Let's Be Alone Together

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Song & Title Credit: Alone Together by Fall Out Boy


"Fucking hell," I muttered under my breath as I stepped out of Alex's car. Of course, needing Alex's help to do such a simple task. Eighth months of carrying Lelanie around and I am fucking ready to get her out in three weeks. Yes, I'm having a girl. Alex and I went to the doctors during my sixth month of pregnancy and the doctor told us that I was having a girl. After going back and forth on what to name her, I finally decided on naming the baby Lelanie.  

Alex laughed lightly, "You know, you didn't have to come if you didn't want to." He mentioned, smiling down at me.  

"The Hell I didn't," I retorted, "I am not missing the chance to have some of your mom's delicious homemade food." Alex laughed at this. He interlocked his fingers with mine and carefully began guiding me towards the entrance of his parent's house. I had met with mom and dad a while ago, and to my surprise, they were very supportive of the entire pregnancy situation. They said that as long as Alex was happy, they were happy.  

Now here we are, in the middle of February, and I eight months and two weeks pregnant. Despite my mood swings, raging hormones, and weird cravings every five minutes, Alex has never left my side. He has never complained to me about the situation and we hardly ever argue. In fact, the last time we argued was over who should wash the dishes. Stupid, I know.  

Alex knocked on the their front door and a few seconds later, a familiar, short, bruenette greeted us with tight hugs, and friendly smiles. "Oh my!" She smiled down at my humoungus belly. 

"I know," I chuckled, "I'm huge, Mrs. Gaskarth."  

"Now, Amelia," She shook her head, "I've known you for months! You do not need to adress me in such a formal manner. Just call me Elizabeth from now on, okay?" She smiled before stepping to the side, welcoming us into her home. Alex's parents have always been so supportive and kind with me. Unlike my own parents.  

Around the time I was four months pregnant, I had decided to tell my mother about my pregnancy. Of course, she freaked out and ended up disowning me from the Taylor family. I also told Jenna about me being pregnant. She was shocked, speechless and angry. I haven't spoken to her since. My father... Well, his reaction was similar to my mother's. Angry was an understatement, I haven't spoken to neither of them in months. As far as I know, I am no longer a member of the Taylor family.  

Not that it bothers me though. Elizibeth and Mr. Gaskarth, Edward, treat me with such kindness and genorousity. They both care for me as if I was actually their family, and honestly, I feel like they are the parents that I never had. As much as I love my parents, they were never really there for me. At least, not like Elizibeth and Edward are.  

"Edward, Amelia and Alex are here!" Elizabeth shouted as we all walked into their living room. I had spent Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years with the Gaskarths and it was quite a treat. Alex and I were supposed to return back to Sheffield last month, but my doctor told me that it would be best to wait until the baby is born, which I don't mind at all. That means I get to spend more time with Jack, Rian, Zack and Alex's parents.  

Edward walked into the living room, a wide smile appearing on his lips as he pulled me into a gentle hug. "Nice to see you again, Amelia." He said, grinning widely.  

"You to-" I stopped mid sentence once I felt a sharp pain shoot through my body. I loud gasp left my mouth as I collapsed on the ground. I felt a warm liquid run down my leg as I felt another sharp pain shoot through me. "Fuck!" I shouted, placing my hands over my large stomach.  

"Mom, dad, call 911!" Alex exclaimed as he crouched down next to me. He looked into my eyes, silently asking me if it was time. I said nothing but nodded in response. Even though Lelanie isn't due for another three weeks, I know well enough, that it's time and that this baby is ready to be born.  

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