Chapter Twenty Five: I've Got Your Picture, I'm Coming With You

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So, I was listening to the song 'Birthday Sex' while writing this chapter...x3 and that's how this beginning scene was born. Don't worry, there's no smut... at least, I don't plan on having smut for at least ten more chapters or something. Idk

Song & Title Credit: Dear Maria, Count Me In

The external link is what Amelia's .... tattoo will look like. Way to spoil things, right? -__-


My eyes fluttered open, the sound of shuffling around my bedroom woke me up. Normally, I would have scolded Oliver for waking me up and taking away precious sleep time but, not today. Excitement rushed through me once I realized that today was Friday. The day of our first gig and also, my eighteenth birthday.  

Last night, Oliver told me that he was going to take me to our 'special place' after the gig is over. Although Nikki, Sapphire, Emily and Abby all wanted to throw me a large birthday celebration, I quickly denied there offer. I didn't feel like getting wasted and waking up the next morning with a massive hangover. Plus, I was never really the party type, I preferred spending my time in my bedroom than being pressed up against a bunch of drunk strangers in a living room while dancing to some shitty techno music.  

Sitting up on the bed, I stretched my legs out and covered my mouth while I yawned. It wasn't until then that I noticed that Oliver was sitting on the edge of my bed. Thanks to the mirror that hung on the opposite wall, I was able to see that Oliver was scribbling words down in his notebook. He was dressed in his usual attire; a black hoodie, black skinny jeans and his black converse.  

Seeing Oliver like this reminds me of when I would see him at school, sitting by himself, hood pulled over his head and his face buried in his notebook. I always wonder what he writes in there but I never question him about it. I figure that if he wants to show me what he writes, then he'll do it once he's ready.

I smiled slightly as I carefully crawled towards Oliver, trying to keep as quiet as possible. Carefully, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my chest against his back. Oliver tensed up at first but quickly relaxed once he realized that it was only me. He turned his head slightly to face me, a wide smile spread across his lips and he pecked my lips.  

Before Oliver was able to pull away, I wrapped my arms tighter around his neck and reconnected our lips together. Closing my eyes, I let the sweet moment sink in. There's something about the way Oliver's lips fit perfectly with mine that I love so much. His touch gives me butterflies, as cliche and cheesy as that sounds.  

Moving my hands from Oli's neck and down to his chest, I gripped on his shirt and brought him closer to me. Gently, Oliver pushed me back until I was lying on the bed and he was now hovering over me. As our lips continued to move in sync, Oli's hands ran down my sides, his touch... it drove me crazy.  

As much as I knew that we shouldn't be taking things any further, I honestly didn't want to stop. I've had a couple of boyfriends in my past, I was fifteen, naive and I thought that having sex with someone was an important part of a relationship. Obviously though, it isn't. Too bad no one told me that most guys only care about sex and dump you as soon as you finish, I had to learn that the hard way and ended up giving my virginity to some asshole who broke up with me as soon as he got his boxers on.  

Despite all of that, I couldn't find myself to stop kissing Oliver. It's almost as if I needed his touch, I craved it, that's for sure but it's because no one has ever made me feel this good. He just makes me feel... different. It's difficult to explain, I can't exactly put it in words but he just made me feel better than any other guy has.  

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