Chapter Nine: Everything I Touch Turns To Stone

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This chapter is dedicated to ToxicPoet809 for giving me the wonderful suggestion. ^-^ Thanks, love.

Song: The Sadness Will Never End by Bring Me The Horizon

Title Credit: Blessed With A Curse by Bring Me The Horizon


Being the last to change in the locker room has always been what I do. I don't want any of the other guys looking at the bruises on my body. Despite most of my chest being covered in tattoos, the bruise my father makes are still clearly visible. If anyone saw them, they'd begin questioning me about them and I don't have time to make up lies about how I slipped and fell.

After I finished adjusting my sweater, I slipped on my converse and grabbed my backpack before hurrying out of the locker room. I hate gym, I hate it with a passion and normally, I would have skipped this period but for some reason, I decided to come today. Surprisingly, it wasn't as bad as I had expected it to be. Of course, the gym teacher gave me crap about 'finally deciding to show up for class' but I didn't care. I just ignored the wanker and continued on with the class.

Once I left the gym room, I hurried out into the courtyard and sat down on the familiar spot I had occupied since this school year began. In the beginning, I had always sat in this same spot but in the beginning it was different. I used to have Giselle in my lap and Seth sitting down next to me.

"Hey, Oli." A familiar voice greeted. I looked up and felt slightly surprised when I saw Amelia standing in front of me, a plate of food in one hand and a pile of textbooks in the other. She looked down at me and sent me a friendly smile before sitting across from me on the grass. What's with this girl? Why does she still want to sit with me?

"Hey." I mumbled and glanced down at the tray of food she had set out in front of her.

"Do you want it?" Amelia asked, referring to the food.

I looked back up at her and sighed, "Aren't you hungry, though?" I asked but I already knew the answer. Amelia has spent the past week eating lunch with me and she's always giving me her lunch. Every time I ask her whether she's hungry. she tells me 'no' and that she already had a big breakfast but for some reason, I can't find myself to believe her. Of course, I don't question her about it and gladly except the food. "Thanks." I mumbled and grabbed the plate of food from her.

Amelia smiled, "Can I ask you something?" She asked, seeming somewhat hesitant. I said nothing and shrugged in response. Amelia sighed, "Well, there was this boy named Oli who I used to know when I lived in Australia. He looks an awful lot like you and I was just wondering if..." She trailed off, looking down at her lap.

"Yeah." I mumbled, "It's me, Oli."

Amelia grinned, "I knew it was you!" She exclaimed, seeming a little too happy that she found out I was the same Oli from her childhood. I'm surprised she doesn't hate me, I was nothing but a complete twat towards her. I called her ugly, fat, stupid and just about any other horrible name I could think of but she isn't. She isn't any of that. She's not stupid, she's one of the smartest people in our class. She's definitely not ugly and she's not even close to being fat.

"Can I see some of your tattoos?" Amelia asked, breaking the silence that had surrounded us. Shrugging, I unzipped my jacket and showed her the rose tattoo on my neck. Her eyes widened slightly and she scooted closer to me. "It's beautiful." She mumbled. Suddenly, I felt her fingertips brush against my skin, causing me to flinch. Immediately, Amelia pulled back and smiled apologetically, "Sorry." She mumbled.

The rest of the lunch period was spent in silence. Neither of us bothering to make conversation. There was something about Amelia, I don't feel completely uncomfortable around her. I feel almost at ease when I'm with her but... I know that can't be good. I'm like Medusa, everything I touch turns to stone and if I let Amelia get close to me, I know one of us is bound to get hurt in the end.


"Remember to lock all the doors and keep the windows shut, alright?" My father asked, a serious look overcame his features. The office had called him and told him that there was an emergency with one of the clients he had worked with. Basically, they needed him down at the office to fix the shit that someone had messed up. He told me he would probably be gone for a couple of hours and hasn't quit reminding me to lock all the doors.

Honestly, I just wanted him to leave so I can practice a song a wrote a couple of weeks ago. Me, being the person that I am, get really nervous when I sing in front of others. The only people that have heard me sing are Jenna, my mother and the rest of the guys from Jenna's band. No one else has heard me sing yet and I don't plan on showing anyone anytime soon.

"Yes, dad. I'll make sure to keep the doors locked and shut all the windows." I said, smiling slightly. My father sighed, he gave me one final hug before hurrying towards the front door. I peeked through the curtains and as soon as I saw his car pull out of the driveway, I hurried downstairs and into the music room.

Turning on the lights, my smile widened once I quickly examined the music room. It was absolutely perfect. The walls were painted red, there were two black, leather couches on one side of the room and on the other was the actual recording studio. Inside the large studio, there were two acoustic guitars, a piano, three electric guitars, a drum kit, a mic stand, a bass guitar, keyboards and four different amps. Yes, I'm positive this room is my favorite room in the entire house.

Walking into the studio, I grabbed one of the acoustic guitars and lightly strummed the cords. Sitting on the stool, I grabbed a pic from the mic stand and quickly tuned the guitar before I decided I was finally ready to practice. I named the song 'Decode'. I wrote this song about some guy back in Australia who was playing games with me.


By the time I was finished singing the song, I couldn't help but wonder if I would ever actually make it in the music business. I mean, sure, Jenna is always telling me about how amazing my voice is but, I can't help but wonder if I'll ever get over my fear of singing in front of others. If I can't sing in front of a couple of other people, how the hell am I supposed to sing in front of a large crowd? It all seems impossible, nothing more than an unrealistic dream I'll never get to achieve.


All credit for any songs Amelia sings or writes go to the amazing band; Paramore. I realize this chapter is kind of short and not very interesting. Sorry about that.

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