Chapter Fifteen: I'll Stop The Whole World From Turning Into A Monster

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All lyrics used in this chapter belong to the lovely band Paramore ^_^

Title Credit & Song: Monster by Paramore


The smalls rays of sun peaking in through my curtains woke me up the next morning. My eyes fluttered open and I smiled slightly once my gaze met with Oli's chest. His arms were still tightly wrapped around my shoulders and mine with his waist. I looked up at Oli and saw that he was still sleeping peacefully. His hair was a mess and his lips were parted slightly, quiet snores escaped his mouth and my smiled widen at the sight before me.  

Today was Saturday so we didn't have to worry about being late for school. Even if it was a school day, I think I would have skipped. My father doesn't leave for work until nine in the morning but I rarely saw him in the mornings. Seeing as he usually was asleep on the couch by the time I had to leave for school.  

Looking over Oliver's shoulder, I glanced at the clock and saw that it was already half passed noon, meaning that my father had already left for work. Carefully, I freed myself from Oli's grip and walked into my bathroom. After taking care of my business and brushing my teeth, I walked downstairs and into the kitchen.  

Grabbing the pancake mix from the cupboards, I grabbed a pan and placed it on the stove. While I waited for the stove to heat up, I walked over to the fridge and grabbed all the necessary ingredients to make pancakes. I'm not sure if Oliver likes pancakes but for now, it's all I have the energy to make.  

Using a hair tie from that I had on my wrists, I lazily tied my hair into a loose ponytail and continued with preparing breakfast for Oliver. I never would have thought that I would be cooking breakfast for Oliver fucking Sykes in my kitchen while wearing nothing but a shirt and some fucking Spongebob boxers.  

After I was finished making eight pancakes, I turned on the stove and stacked all the pancakes onto one plate. Once I put all the ingridients away and cleaned up the stove area, I placed the plate on the kitchen table and walked back upstairs.  

Walking into my bedroom, I chuckled quietly once I saw Oliver sitting up on my bed. He was in the middle of yawning while awkwardly stretching his arms and legs. Oli looked over at me and smiled slightly, "Hey." He greeted as he tiredly rubbed his eyes with the palm of his hands.  

I couldn't help but notice how cute and vulnerable Oliver looked. Blushing slightly at my thoughts, I returned the smile. "Morning, breakfast's ready." I announced before turning around and walking out of my bedroom. Once I reached the kitchen, I opened the fridge and pulled out the carton of orange juice. I poured the orange juice into the glasses and placed them on the table. Shortly after, Oliver joined me in the kitchen.  

He looked at the stack of pancakes and frowned, "You're not eating?" He asked as he took a seat at the table. Raising an eyebrow at me, Oliver took a sip of his orange juice and waited patiently for me to answer his question.  

Rubbing my hands on my bare legs, I chuckled nervously. "No, I ate before you woke up." I lied. There's no way in Hell I'm eating fucking pancakes. I think the last thing I ate was a banana and that was a couple of days ago. Sure, I feel a little dizzy but it's nothing I can't ignore.  

Oliver sighed, the look on his face told me that he didn't believe my stupid lie. I didn't blame him, I knew Oliver was beginning to grow suspicious of my little 'diet'. He doesn't believe my obvious lies anymore and I can see it in his eyes that he's beginning to put the pieces to the puzzle together, he's starting to figure everything out.  

I looked around the kitchen, desperatly trying to come up with a topic to drive away from our conversation about my eating. My eyes stopped on the basement door and a wide grin spread across my lips. I looked back at Oliver and my grin grew wider, "Hurry up and finish your pancakes, I want to show you something." I said.  

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