Chapter Seven: Pathetic

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Filler chapter. Sorry. :/

Meant To Live by Switchfoot


Opening up my laptop, I quickly went on Skype and looked through my contact list until I finally found Jenna's name. Clicking on her icon, I waited patiently until Jenna finally answered my call. My breath caught inside my throat once I saw her pop up on the screen. She was lying on her bed next to one of the guys in her band, Jake Hardy.  

"Hey!" Jenna greeted, a wide smile planted on her lips. I returned a small 'hello' and waved shyly at Jake. Honestly, I missed Jenna... a lot. I like it here in Sheffield. Most of the people I've come to encounter are really nice and friendly but I wish I could go back home to Sydney, to be with Jenna and my friends again.  

"How's like in Sheffield?" Jake asked, seeming genuinely curious.  

"Good, good. I've met a lot of really cool people. Everyone seems nice and the town is lovely but nothing beats Sydney." I replied, grinning widely.  

Jenna chuckled, "You've met some people, eh? Any cute English boys?" She asked.  

I shrugged and thought back at all the guys I had met here in Sheffield. Only two came to mind that I personally thought were rather attractive; Alex and Oli. Yes, despite his asshole attitude, I do think Oli is attractive. I looked back at Jenna and nodded in response.  

"Tell me about him." She demanded. If possible, her smile seemed to grow even wider than before.  

"Well, there's two, actually. One is Alex Scott and the other is Oliver Sykes-" I began.  

"Oliver Sykes?" Jenna questioned, cutting me off, "You mean the same Oliver Sykes who used to bully you when you were littler?"  

I shook my head in response, "I'm not sure if it's the same Oliver. I mean, they kind of look the same but there's something different about this Oliver. The Oli from our childhood was a complete and utter cunt and this Oli... well, he's still rude but there's something about him... something's not right. I don't know, I'm probably just over thinking things." I mumbled, blushing slightly.  

Jake laughed, "Aw, look, Amelia's blushing!" He pointed out, doing nothing but making my blush grow.

Jenna glared at Jake, making him stop laughing almost immediately. He mumbled an apology before getting up from the bed and disappearing from my view. Jenna looked back at me and sighed, "Sorry about him." She apologized.  

Sighing, I shook my head and forced a smile, "So, how are things going in Sydney? How's mum doing?" I asked.  

Jenna sighed, "Clare's fine. Mum went to her house the other night and they were chatting for hours. What time is it over there?" She asked.  

"Five in the afternoon... that means it's two in the morning over there, shouldn't you be asleep Jenna? Don't you have to go to school tomorrow?" I questioned, beginning to sound like a mother.  

Jenna laughed, "Yes, mum. I'm tired anyways. I'll talk to you later, alright? Then you can tell me more about Oliver and Alex." She grinned. I nodded in agreement and we said our goodbye before ending the short Skype call.  

Seeing Jenna again made me feel better but it also made me realize how much I miss Australia. Maybe when we have our next break at school I'll ask dad if I can fly out to Australia to see my friends again. Surely, he'll understand that I miss them and want to see them again, right?  

Standing up from my bed, I grabbed my backpack from the floor and set it on my bed. I sat on the mattress, crossed my legs underneath me and pulled out some of the homework I had been assigned today. I've only been at Stocksbridge for a couple of days but I quickly learned that they are a couple of days behind from the high school I used to attend in Australia. Meaning that I knew everything they were currently teaching so all of this was just like a review.  

Opening up my science book, I began doing the enormus pile of homework that was due tomorrow.  


Quietly closing the door behind me, I suppressed a groan once I heard the t.v playing the living room. That meant the bastard was home. Well, at least he wasn't fucking some slut like he was yesterday. I was hoping that he would be asleep or something but of course, with my luck, he was awake and pissed, as usual.  

"Oliver!" He shouted. Slowly, I walked into the entrance of the living room where I found him lying on the couch. To no one surprise, he had a bottle of Jack Daniels in one hand while the other held the television remote. He looked over at me and a disgusted look came across his features, "God, you dress like a down right faggot." He muttered under his breath.  

He stood up from the couch and stumbled towards me, "Make yourself useful and go get me a beer." He ordered before shoving me out the door. He slammed it shut and left me standing on the porch.  

Sighing, I shoved my hands inside the pockets of my hoodie and began walking towards the local liquor store. I don't know how he expects me to get alcohol when I'm only seventeen but all I know is that if I don't come home with a new bottle of Jack Daniels; he's most likely going to beat my ass.  

Things never change, I live the same cycle everyday. I have hopes of joining a band and touring the world but I know that'll never happen. I'm a pathetic excuse for a human being, nothing more, nothing less.

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