Chapter Nineteen: Suspicions

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Song: Celebrity Skin by Hole


Leaning against the door frame, I waved goodbye as I watched my father pull out of the driveway in his black car. He told Jenna and I that he would be going to some business meeting in London and would be staying there over night. I have to admit, I felt kind of glad when my father announced that he would be away for an entire night.  

With him being gone, Oli was now free to roam around my house without having to worry about my father catching him. I can only imagine his reaction once he realizes that a teenage boy has been staying in our house and sleeping in my bed for more than four days without him noticing.  

Once I saw my father's car disappear into the horizon, I closed the front door and made my way into the living room. Sitting down next to Jenna, I focused my attention on whatever was playing on the television. I don't really watch a lot of television and even know, the show that Jenna's watching looks unappealing but she wanted to have a 'movie night' before she leaves the day after tomorrow so I'm going along with her wishes.  

About thirty minutes passed by before I heard Oliver coming down the stairs. He appeared at the entrance of the living room, his fingers running through his freshly washed hair while he tugged on the hem of navy sweater.  

Smiling slightly, I patted the couch, motioning for him to sit down on the empty spot next to mine. Hesitant, almost, Oli slowly walked towards me and sat down on the couch. Jenna sighed, "Which movie should we watch first?" She asked as she stood up from the couch and approached the large case of movies that sat next to the television.  

Both Oli and I said nothing and simply shrugged in response. "Shrek?" Jenna suggested, holding up the movie box. It's somehow funny and enlightening to know that my forty-six year old father owns movies in either the horror genre or the cartoon comedy genre.  

Ever since I was a little girl, I was able to tell which parent I got a long with better. I love them both equally but it's clear that I get along better with my father than with my mother. My father is a childish man, he's easy going and light hearted. My mother... well, she's almost the exact opposite. She's a very serious woman who has trouble getting along with others. It's a miracle how she managed to get along with Mrs. Sykes.... 

"Amelia?" Jenna's voice pulled me away from my thoughts. I looked up at Jenna who was staring at me, a concerned look marking her facial expression. "Are you okay with watching Shrek?" She asked. Sighing quietly, I simply nodded in response. Unlike my father, I was never one to take a liking to cartoon movies but I guess, if Jenna wants to watch this then I'll go along with it.  

Nodding, Jenna inserted the disc into the DVD player before reclaiming her spot on the couch next to me. While the opening credits showed up on the large screen, I stood up from the couch and walked into the kitchen. Of course, I'm not going to be eating anything but I figured Oli and Jenna might want to snack on some popcorn and chips while we're watching the movie.  

Grabbing a bag of popcorn, I placed the bag in the microwave and set it for three minutes. While the popcorn was heating up, I grabbed a large bowl from the cupboards and three sodas from the fridge. Once the popcorn was ready, I emptied out the snack into the large bowl and walked back into the living room while trying to hold three sodas and a huge bowl.  

Placing the snack and drinks on the coffee table, I reclaimed my spot on the couch in between Oliver and Jenna.  


Pulling back the pull tab on the soda, I took a short sip of the drink before setting the can back on the coffee table next to the nearly empty bowl of popcorn. Besides the noise coming from the movie, the living room was silent. Both Amelia and Jenna too engulfed in the actual movie to say anything. Once in a while, the would make a comment about the movie but other than that, they were silent.  

Stretching my arms out, I rested my left hand on the couch behind Amelia's head. Amelia shifted slightly on the couch and somehow, ended up snuggling into my side. I didn't think nothing of it and instead, wrapped my arm around her and pulled her closer. I guess she was too engulfed in the movie to notice how close we actually were.  

I noticed Jenna giving Amelia and I both curious and confused looks but I ignored her silent questioning and continued watching the animated movie. I'd be lying if I said that I didn't like how close Amelia and I were.  

It's strange, the fact that I don't like getting close to anyone but Amelia is strange. I'm not sure why but, she seems to be the only person that I can feel comfortable around. Sure, I feel comfortable around Sapphire, Abby, Jenna and Nikki but... it's not the same.  

Once Shrek was over, Amelia suggested in putting on the movie 'Peter Pan'. I'm not sure Amelia's dad's movie collection consist of nothing but horror or children's movies but I don't think it's right to question her about it. He probably just prefers those two genres over any other.  

Looking back at the screen, I somehow managed to tighten my grip around Amelia as she snuggled closer to me. It might seem strange but, I loved the fact that we were so close in this position. I don't think Amelia would have ended up cuddling with me on the couch if it wasn't for the fact that she was so engulfed in the movie to even notice.  

After watching 'The Incredibles', 'The Little Rascals' and 'The Little Mermaid', Amelia fell asleep on the couch. Jenna and I both decided to call it a night. Carefully, I picked up Amelia off the couch and carried her 'princess style' up the stairs and towards her room.  


"Goodnight." I whispered to Oliver as I watched him carry as sleeping Amelia into her bedroom. He mumbled a 'goodnight' in response and closed her bedroom door. Sighing quietly, I made my way into my bedroom and closed the door behind me. Once I got comfortable in my bed, I stared up at the ceiling and let my mind begin to wonder.  

I know it isn't any of my business but I can't help but feel like there's something going on between Oliver and Amelia. They may not be dating or anything but I can see that the way they look at each other, their feelings for one another are obviously clear.  

Pushing all my thoughts away, I closed my eyes and slowly, began falling asleep.  


Sitting at the kitchen table, I watched silently as Amelia and Oliver happily laughed and talked to each other. They were sitting very close to each other and Oliver hasn't taken his eyes off Amelia since this morning. 

Letting my curiosity get the best of me, I pulled out my phone and decided to ask Amelia about her little 'friendship' with Oliver via text message.  

Me: Hey, what was up with you and Oliver last night? 

I sent the message and waited patiently for her to receive the message. When Amelia did receive the text, she looked up at me and gave me a confused look, probably wondering why the hell I was texting her when we were sitting only a couple of feet away from each other.  

Amelia: What do you mean?  

Me: I mean how you guys were getting so close to each other. You guys were even cuddling on the couch. Are you two secretly dating?  

Amelia: What? Of course we aren't. I don't really know what happened last night, I guess it just kind of happened without either one of us realizing. 

I looked up at Amelia and by the look in her eyes, I could see that she was telling the complete truth. Her and Oliver weren't dating.... yet. I can see it clearly that those two have feelings for each other. The way they look at each other, the way they blush when they accidentally touch each other....  

Yeah, there's no doubt about it; Amelia and Oliver like each other.


By the way guy, I'm going to have CTE sound more like Hole instead of Paramore. Both bands are amazing but Hole has more of the sound I imagine Cease To Exist having...

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