Chapter Twenty: Last Day Together

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Song: Jaws On The Floor by You Me At Six

Filler chapter -___- Sorry.


Turning around, I placed my finger over my mouth and motioned for Oliver to be quiet. Nodding, Oliver smiled widely, he seemed just as excited as I was towards our surprise for Jenna. 

Unfortunately, today is Jenna's last day here in Sheffield, she flies back to Sydney tomorrow. For her last day, Oli and I decided on just taking her out and wandering around Sheffield. Abby, Nikki and Sapphire are going to meet with us at the park in a couple of hours. 

Placing my hand on the doorknob, I slowly twisted the handle and quietly pushed the door open. To my surprise, Jenna was already awake. Considering the wet towel that was tightly wrapped around her hair, I quickly came to the conclusion that she had just gotten out of the shower. Thankfully, she was already dressed so I didn't have to worry about Oliver seeing my cousin naked. 

Turning to face us, a small smile spread across Jenna's lips once she saw the tray of food I was holding. "Amelia... You didn't have to cook me breakfast." She said. 

"Yes, I did." I insisted as I walked towards her bed. Carefully placing the food on her bed, I turned back to Jenna and grinned, "You better get ready because Oli and I are taking you out." I stated. Jenna opened her mouth to protest but Oli and I quickly exited the room before she was able to do so, leaving her with no choice but to do as I said and get ready. 

Once Oli and I reached the bottom stair, my cheeks turned a light shade of pink once I realized that I was still holding Oliver's hand. I have to admit, I love it when Oliver and I hold hands. The small contact alone manages to make me blush and smile widely. It strange but I don't ever over think it. 

"Sorry." I mumbled, attempting to hide my blush behind my dirty blonde hair but I was certain Oliver had already seen it. Sighing, Oliver smiled slightly before heading towards the kitchen, I followed closely behind and entered the kitchen. Of course, we had made enough food to feed seven people but it's all unnecessary. I'm definitely not eating and I doubt Oliver will be able to finish all this food by himself... 

I know that Oliver is suspicious of me and my eating habits but I found a way to make things seem less suspicious. All I have to do is ....improvise. 

Sitting down on the chair, across from Oliver, I grabbed a plate of food and began cutting the pancakes into smaller pieces. I could feel Oliver's gaze fixed on me but I chose to ignore him and his curious stare. Looking back up at Oliver, I smiled slightly before shoving a bite sized piece of pancake in my mouth. Immediately, I wanted to spit the food out but I knew that this would be the only way to get Oli off my back.  

"This is so good, Oli!" I exclaimed before cutting a large peice of the pancake and shoving it into Oli's face. "Try it." I insisted before placing the cut pancake onto his plate. Looking down at my plate of food, a wide smile spread across my lips once I realized that I had already gotten rid of nearly half of the disgusting food. Now, all that's left is the other slice of pancakes and the eggs... 

I continued to cut the eggs and pancakes into smaller pieces. Picking up a spoonful of eggs, I brought them up to my mouth before glancing up at Oliver. "What's your favorite movie?" I asked, the spoonful of eggs still a couple of inches away from my mouth.  

As soon as Oliver turned his gaze away from the food, I quickly placed the spoon back down, avoiding having to even put the disgusting good in my mouth. "Jurassic Park... wait, you didn't even..." He trailed off, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. Oli shook his head, confusion marking his features, before looking back down at his food.  

See, all I had to do was distract Oliver. All I have to do is distract him by asking a bunch of questions and keeping him focused on something else... The food I do end up eating won't do be as much harm. As long as I get Oliver off my back, everything will be fine. Even if that means eating a few bites of food.


So, I hate this chapter so much but... I needed to upload this in order to start on the next chapter .-. Fuck, I promise, I'll make it up to you guys with the next chapter. I originally planned on making this chapter a bit longer but I took my pills earlier and now I'm fucking sleepy but I knew that if I didn't upload SOMETHING that it would be on my mind for the rest of the day ,-, Okay, bye guys ^_^

Oh shit, almost forgot, all credit for the little 'food scene' goes to the UK show, Skins, you guys should definetily check it out. I'll post the video in the external link ^.^

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