Chapter Forty Five: It's Just A Spark

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Song & Titled Credit: Last Hope by Paramore


No, I can't do this. I can't, I just' can't. I know I shouldn't back out of a wedding at the last minute, but god dammit, I don't think I've ever been this nervous for anything else in my entire life. I love Oliver, I really do, but what if this doesn't work out? What if our marriage crumbles just like my parents relationship? What if Oliver realizes that he doesn't really love me and leaves me for someone much prettier than me? I don't want that to happen. I really don't.  

"Amelia? Are you almost ready, hun?" I heard Abby ask from the other side of the door. I stared at my reflection in the mirror. Two months ago I went dress shopping with Sapphire, Jaylee and Abby. The dress I had chosen was a strapless, heart top, white ruffled dress. My blonde hair had been tied into a simple tight bun. Appearance wise, I was prepared, but emotionally wise, I was far from ready. 

The door creaked open, revealing a concerned looking Abby. "Amelia, are you alright?" She asked.  

I shook my head, taking a seat on the small couch that had been placed inside the room. I buried my face in my hands, attempting to hide the fact that I was now crying. The couch shifted underneath my weight, Abby now claiming the empty spot next to me. She placed her hand on my back, trying to sooth me a bit. "Amelia, why are you crying?" She asked in a quiet tone.  

"W-What if things don't work out, Abby? What if Oliver backs out? I don't want to go through a failed marriage. What if we're taking things too fast?" I cried, looking up at Abby with desperation. I just want to know if getting married is the right decision, if Oliver and I are making the right choice.  

"Amelia? Are you serious right now?" Abby questioned, her voice firm. I stared at her with wide eyes, surprised by her sudden harsh tone. "Amelia, Oliver fucking loves you. Everyone can see that. You two are meant to be together. I swear, never before have I seen such a cheesy but happy couple like you two. You are making the right choice, trust me. You two will be happy together, and if it doesn't work, then it doesn't, but you can't think of the future nor the past. Live in the moment, Amelia. You love Oli, don't you?" Without hesitation, I nodded in response. "And I am two hundred percent sure that Oliver loves you. So what's the problem?"  

I sighed, rubbing my hands over my face. "I don't know. I'm just nervous. Beyond nervous, actually." I admitted, chuckling slightly.  

Abby smiled, nodding her head in understanding. "That's perfectly normal. What woman wouldn't be nervous on the day of her wedding? You're about to commit to spending the rest of your life with another person. But at least you know that the other person you're going to spend your life with loves you very much." She said, her words slowly sinking in. I nodded, carefully drying my cheeks with my fingertips. Abby chuckled lightly as she handed me a make up remover wipe. I turned to face the mirror, carefully wipping away the smudges of eyeliner and mascara that had formed under my eyes and on my eyelids. "Nikki is going to be pissed once she sees that you ruined your makeup." Abby laughed, I chuckled, nodding my head in agreement. It took Nikki over an hour to do my make up which I had managed to mess up in under thirty minutes.  

Once I was finished removing the ruined eye make up, I stood up, following Abby out of the small dressing room. Even though Oliver's an atheist, he was cool with the idea of having a church wedding. There were four bridesmaids- Nikki, Abby, Sapphire and Riot. Meanwhile, Curtis, Nicholls, Lee and Matt were the groomsmen, Jordan being the best man while Jenna was the maid of honor. 

Soft piano music began playing from the main room, signaling that the wedding was underway. First, the flower girl, Lelanie walked down the aisle, throwing pink rose petals on the white floor. Seconds later, the groomsmen and bridesmaids followed in order- Abby and Nicholls, Curtis and Nikki, Sapphire with Lee, Riot with Matt, and finally, Jordan with Jenna. Since I haven't spoken to my mother nor father in years, and Oli's father wasn't really an available option, I decided to call up and a close friend and invite him to the wedding. Of course, I invited the rest of his bandmates, but I highly doubt that all of them showed up.  

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