Epilogue: The Three Musketeers

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Epilogue: The Three Musketeers  

Song: The Only Exception by Paramore


"Dammit!" I groaned as tried standing up on the couch. With the big belly I was carrying, my attempts were useless. After a few more seconds of pathetic attempts to stand up, I gave up. Instead, I called out Oliver's name and waited a bit impatiently as he came jogging into the living room. 

"What? What's wrong? Oh my god, is the baby coming? Are you alright, Amelia?" Oliver questioned, hurrying to check to see if I had any bruises or a fever. I couldn't help but laugh in amusement as I push his hand away from my forehead. 

Shaking my head, I smiled reassuringly at Oliver. "Calm down, Oli. Jennifer isn't coming. Not for another month or so. I just need help getting up from this damn couch." I muttered the last part, frustrated that I needed help in getting off of a damn couch. I've been pregnant before, obviously, but the fact that there's a lot of things I can't do on my own anymore piss me off immensely. 

Oliver laughed. He grabbed a hold of my arm with one hand while the other securely placed on the small of my back. "That's what you were yelling for, love?" He asked. "Alice was going to show me a picture she drew when you called out my name." 

I grinned widely. "Take me to her?"  

Nodding, Oliver helped me up the short flight of stairs and towards the girl's bedroom. He pushed the door open, smiling widely as he did so. "Lanie, Alice," he began, the two girls turning to face him immediately. Even though Alice is only two years old and can't say much, she can still understand words and take account for who's talking and who isn't.  

"What are you two drawing?" I asked, carefully sitting down on the floor in between the two girls. I placed my hand over my large stomach, my legs folded underneath my weight. I looked over at Lelanie, smiling at how much she had developed over the past three years. She was now nine years of age, but her height made her seem as if she was at least eleven. Her brown hair had been cut down to her shoulders, but it remained with the same wavy texture. It was obvious to anyone who met her that she had gotten most of her features from her father.  

Alice on the other hand, she looked exactly like me. Alice had golden blonde locks. Her skin was a pretty ivory colour and she had the brightest, widest, blue eyes imaginable. It's funny because some people claim that she looks just like a porcelain doll. They're not wrong about that, though. On the fifth of May, Alice will turn three years old, which happens to be in two months. We're also going to try to have Jennifer's birth around the time that Alice turns three, but I'm not too sure that it'll work out. Jennifer's birth is due on May seventh, but maybe there's a chance she'll want to come out two days early.  

Lelanie held up a picture from her sketchbook. A half smile appeared on her lips as she proudly showed off, what seemed to be, a rose. I figured it was the rose Oliver had tattooed on his neck. Actually, I'm pretty sure it was the same rose.  

It's funny how some people think we're bad parents because of our tattoos and choice of careers. Take my mother as an example. When Lani, Alice, Oliver and I flew out to meet with Jenna, I suggested stopping by my mother's home. As soon as she laid eyes on Oliver, I knew that she was going to turn everything into a bad experience... and I was right. She claimed that Oliver was too 'unfit' to be a father, and that his tattoos held nothing but a bad example for his children. My mother only says this because she regrets the butterfly tramp stamp she got tattooed when she was nineteen.  

Since then, I haven't spoken to my mother nor do I plan on doing so anytime soon. If she doesn't like my relationship with Oliver, then she can go screw herself. Hell, that goes for anyone who says negative things about my children or my husband. It's not that hard to believe, but our fans have been much more supportive of our marriage than my mother has. Our fans even came up with a ship name for us. Ali is our ship name and so far, the ship seems unsinkable.  

"And what did you draw, love?" I asked, looking over at Alice. She had drawn a simple picture of a family of five standing outside a large white house. Obviously, the picture depicted our family, the Sykes family. "I swear, you both are going to become artists or something when you get older." I chuckled, hugging and pecking both girls.  

Oliver breathed out a laugh. "Then can Jennifer be the lead singer to one of the more successful punk bands?" He asked, sitting down behind me. Oliver wrapped his arms around my waist as I pressed my back against his chest, smiling at our two girls.  

"Jennifer can be whatever the hell she pleases. But if she does decide to be a singer, then that would be really rad." I replied.  

Oliver laughed. "Did you just say 'rad'?" He asked, still laughing in amusement.  

I rolled my eyes, smiling as I playfully elbowed his stomach. "Shut up, Sykes." I muttered, chuckling quietly.  

Oliver leaned forward, his lips gently pressing against my cheek. "Have you forgotten?" He began, smiling against my skin. "You're also Sykes. That means, you're technically telling yourself to shut up too." He pointed out.  

Shifting carefully on the floor, I turned around to face him directly. "Okay." I nodded. "Then, shut up, Oliver." He laughed, shaking his head in delight. Oliver leaned forward, my eyes fluttering close as our lips brushed against one another. Lelanie was talking to Alice about her favorite show, Kim Possible, to even notice our little kiss. I love how Lelanie talks to Alice so much, but Alice is only capable of muttering a few words. She is starting to speak full sentences, but it's a little rare for her to do such a thing.  

"I love you, Amelia Sykes." Oliver whispered, his eyes still closed as he held firmly on to my waist.  

I smiled widely at his words. "I love you t-" I began, but was suddenly cut off by the sound of Oliver's cellphone ringing.  

Oliver groaned, sending me an apologetic look as he pulled his cellphone out from his pocket. He looked down at the screen of his phone, a small frown creasing his forehead. "Huh," he mumbled. "doesn't say who's calling."  

"Answer it, anyways. Maybe it's a record label or something." I shrugged.  

Nodding, Oliver pressed his thumb on the green answer button. 'Hello?' He spoke into the line. He was silent for a few seconds before a quiet gasp left his mouth. I watched as his eyes widened, his mouth dropping in obvious shock.  

Oliver's face drained of colour as he whispered, "Tom?"


Honestly, I have no idea if I'm going to do a sequel or not. I'm sorry for the long wait for an epilogue, but I wanted to wait for the 100k reads. :O CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?!? 100K? HOLY SON OF A COCK. THAT;S FUCKING AMAZING TO ME. I'm actually proud of how this story turned out and unfolded perfectly. Sure, there's a few things I do wish I could have made different. But overall, this story seems pretty cool. Well, the reception and how it turned out, anyways.

Now, it's up to yall. Do you want a sequel? Or do you want me to end things here and leave your imaginations to do the work >:D I'll do a sequel if you guys want me to, but I need help with a few things.

First of all, what do you guys want to happen? I have this idea, but it's faint and with how Oliver's character is now, I don't see it happening in a million years. So if there is a sequel, what do you want to see happen? I'll make the beginning a reader's choice of how the events will turn :O

Also, IF THERE IS A SEQUEL, CAN SOMEONE OFFER TO MAKE A COVER FOR IT? Just, like, message me if you want to. Srsly, guys, help. I suck balls at making covers.

Okay, for now, that is all. Thank you so much for everyone who had been incredibly supportive with this story. Your comments... they made me happy, amused, giddy, eager to write more and so much more. You all are incredible. Every single one of you mother fuckers. Thank you all. ~Queen Mae

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