Chapter Thirty Seven: I've Got A Secret, And I'm Gonna Keep It

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Chapter Thirty Seven: I've Got A Secret, And I'm Gonna Keep It 

Song: No Make Up (Her Vices) by Kendrick Lamar


It was while Alex and I were watching Peter Pan in the living room of our apartment when Alex said, 'I have to go something with Jack, I'll be back in a bit, Wendy.' Before leaving me in the apartment by myself. It's been thirty minutes since he's left and ten minutes since Peter Pan ended so now, I'm looking through our small movie collection, trying to decide on what movie to watch next.  

While I was putting the movie into the DVD player, I heard the front door open then close. I looked over my shoulder, my eyes widening once I saw the familiar group of girls standing at the entrance of our living room, Jack, Rian, Zack and Alex all standing closely behind them.  

"You're not dreaming." Athena smirked, her comment clearing the silence that filled the living room. I know it's only been over a month since I've last seen them, but it honestly feels live forever since I've seen these idiots. If someone were to ask me if I was 'happy', I would tell them that happy was a very huge fucking understatement.  

"Congratulations on the baby, Amelia." Hannah grinned as she began walking towards me. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders and pulled me into a tight hug. Without any hesitation, I returned the tight embrace. Not long after, the rest of the girls -including Jack- joined in on the tight hug.

"We should have a special dinner tonight in celebration for your baby, Amelia," Emily began, grinning widely, "and to celebrate Romance Is Dead's first album."  

A look of confusion flashed over Jack, Rian, Zack and Alex's faces. "You guys are in a band too?" Jack asked, raising an eyebrow at the six girls.  

"They are," Hanah chuckled, taking a step away from the girls, "I am their manager." She announced, a proud smile appearing on her lips. Jack nodded, seeming to quickly understand what she had said.  

"What time should we go to dinner?" Zack asked.  

Teddy shrugged in response, "How about we all meet up here at seven-thirty?" She suggested, we all nodded in agreement. Meeting up at seven-thirty gave everyone at least four hours to kill and two hours to get ready. Seeing as us 'girls' took longer to get ready than the guys, we would definitely need all the time given.  

"Until then," Jenna smirked, "we'll be stealing Amelia for a little while." She stated, no one -besides Jack- seemed to have a problem with that.  

"But I want to be with baby Amelia!" He protested, clinging onto him as if his life had depended on it. Jack is so childish, but his playfulness is one of the many traits that I love about him. He's such a kind person and so easy to get along with. There's never really an awkward silence whenever he is in the room. 

Alex laughed, "Dude, she'll be back. It'snot like she is going to be gone forever." He said as he bagan pulling Jack away from me. Once Alex had managed to successfully pull Jack away from me, I walked into our bedroom, making sure the door was closed behind me as I began looking for an outfit to change into.  

Finally, I decided on just wearing black skinny jeans, a black pull over with Mickey Mouse on the front of the sweater. I slipped on my black vans as I tied my hair into a messy pony tail. Shoving my phone into my pocket, I made sure I had everything with me before walking back into the living room.  

"I'll seen you in a bit." I said to Alex as I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my lips against his. The girls had already left the apartment and were probably waiting for me outside while Jack, Rian and Zack had gone into the kitchen, probably raiding the little food we had in our refrigerator.  

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