Chapter Twenty Four: Unwanted Memories

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Filler chapter /,\ Sorry guys.

Song: Lullabies by All Time Low


It's now Thursday morning, meaning that today was the last day to get everything recorded and put together. For this past week, I've been skipping school to work on the song with the guys. Amelia always offers to stay with me but of course, I always deny her offer and push her to go to school. 

I love Amelia, I really do but, she's not the brightest person when it comes to math and algebra. I've been helping her at night with her algebra homework but she doesn't seem to understand any of it. I guess that's another reason why I want her to go to school. It is exam month and she can't really afford to miss any of the lessons.  

Anyways, the final thing that needs to be done for the song are the vocals. Nicholls' friend, Hannah, accepted our offer and told us that she'd love to sing on the song. Today, she's coming over so she can get the vocals done and once we finish with that, all that'll be left is putting the vocals and the instrumental together before everything is finally finished.  

Fiddling with a guitar in the music room, I smiled slightly once the memory of Amelia singing to me for the first time played in my mind. 

Fuck, I can't seem to get Amelia out of my mind. She's the only thing I seem to think about and honestly, I don't mind. I love everything about Amelia. Her long, dirty blonde hair, aqua blue eyes and amazing smile. Amelia's perfect in my eyes. She's so kind and genuine, her aura is nothing but innocence and I rarely ever see her angry or upset. She always seem to be smiling and that's what I love about her, that smile of hers is contagious and I seem to catch it every time I'm around her.  

I forced my thoughts away once I heard the doorbell ring. I gently set the guitar back down on the stand before hurrying upstairs and towards the front door. A wide smile formed on my lips once I saw the guys and an unfamiliar girl, who I'm assuming was Hannah, standing on the front porch.  

"Hey." I greeted before stepping aside so they could all enter the house. We all headed downstairs and into the music room where we had spent the last couple of days.  

"You must be Hannah." I smiled at the short girl standing a few feet away from me. And when I say short, I mean short. She was probably around 5'3 or somewhere around there. I have to admit, she was really pretty. She had big brown eyes, short black hair and a nose piercing. She also had the friendly aura that the other guys seemed to have. "I'm Oli Sykes." I introduced myself.  

Hannah smiled warmly, "Nice to meet you, Oli." She said, "I'm Hannah Snowdon."  

The next few hours were spent with Hannah and I practicing, harmonizing and recording the remaining vocals for 'Deathbeds'. I have to admit, Nicholls was right; Hannah does have an incredible voice. I wonder if she wasn't so determined in becoming a tattoo artist, would she have taken up singing instead.  

From what I could see, Hannah doesn't have a single tattoo on her body but I quickly found out that she's only sixteen and her parents wont let her get any until she turns eighteen. She also told me that she loved the rose tattoo on my neck, just like Amelia.  

After we finished singing the song, Jordan told us that everything was done and ready to be put together. To my surprise, the recording process went a lot quicker with Hannah. Probably because she didn't fuck around like the other guys did but, at the same time, she wasn't too strict and serious. Hannah was actually a really funny and cool girl.  

"What time does their gig start?" Jordan asked as he continued putting together the vocals and the instrumental. So far, he only has done about thirty seconds of the song but I don't really mind. We still have another three hours before Amelia gets out of school and we have all morning tomorrow.  

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