Chapter Twenty One: Is The Scent Slowly Spreading?

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Title Credit & Song: Yeah Boy & Doll Face by Pierce The Veil

I hope this chapter makes up for the last one /.\


Clearing my throat slightly, I strummed each cord on my guitar with my white pick. Not looking up from the guitar, I focused my gaze on the neck, making sure that everything was in order before I started playing. See, the first day Sapphire, Abby and Nikki came over, we spent so much time settling things about the band that we didn't have time to get any actual practice done.  

Since none of them have actually heard me sing or heard any of my songs, I figured I'd get that out of the way before we play together. I'm sure they'lre all great at playing their instruments so I'm positive that we're all going to sound amazing once we actually play together.  

"Okay," I mumbled, clearing my throat one last time before looking up at the four faces that were all staring at me with both anticipation and curiosity. Oli has heard me sing before but not once since then have I sung for him or anyone else. I have to admit, I'm nervous about singing in front of the girls but Oliver kept telling me earlier that I have an amazing voice and there's nothing that I should be nervous about. 

Closing my eyes, I sighed quietly and thought of which song I should sing for them. Almost immidiatily, my mind went to the song I wrote almost three years ago. I remember that night clearly; I was sitting on my bed, guitar in lap and tears streaming down my face. My boyfriend at the time, Rodney, had left me for the school's cheerleader. Typical high school bullshit that you see in a teen movie. I wrote this song that night out of anger and hatred towards Rodney.  

The song is titled 'Violet' because that was the name of the girl Rodney had left me for. That night, out of heart break and anger, I wrote the entire song in less than three hours. This is one of my favorite songs I have written, mainly because when I wrote this song, the lyrics came so easily to me.  

"This song is called 'Violet'." I announced before I began singing the lyrics.  


As soon as I was finished singing the song, I opened my eyes and saw that their reactions were similar to Oliver's reaction when he first heard me sing. They all had their jaw dropped and were staring at me with wide eyes. A few moments of silence passed before they were able to speak again.  

"Holy shit, that was fucking amazing!" Nikki exclaimed, breaking the silence that filled the music room.

A wide smile spread across my lips once I saw them all nod their head in agreement. Honestly, I think I am a fine singer but my biggest fear is singing in front of other people. I know, it doesn't make sense that I want to be apart of a band who, hopefully, will one day tour the country if I have a fear of singing in front of others. Still, I want to try and I want to rid of my stupid fear.  

"Yeah." Sapphire agreed, "You're an amazing singer, Amelia. Do you think we can practice all together now?" She asked.  

Grinning, I nodded in response, "Yes, we should cover a song first. Later, we can write our own material and hopefully, we'll get some stuff recorded." I replied as I stood up from the stool and started towards my red and black guitar that sat on a black stand on the far side of the recording booth.  

"What song should we cover?" Abby asked as the three of them stepped into the recording booth.  

"I think you guys should cover 'Heart-Shaped Box'." Oli suggested, speaking into the mic that echoed in the booth.  

Looking around the room, I saw the three of them nod in agreement. "Do you guys know the rifs and the drums for that song?" I asked. Heart-Shaped Box and Come As You Are were one of the first songs I learned to play on my guitar. I think it's clearly obvious that Nirvana has and will continue to be a big influence on the way I write my lyrics.  

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