Chapter Twenty Three: Meeting New People

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Song: Tangled In The Great Escape by Pierce The Veil

All credit for the lyrics used in this chapter goes to Bring Me The Horizon ^_^


As I adjusted my black beanie, I glanced over at my reflection in the mirror. Again, I saw the same results that I saw last night. No matter how many days I go without eating, I can't seem to loose any weight. I want to be thin, I want to be beautiful. Lifting up my shirt, I stared at my stomach with a blank expression. It wasn't flat, there was a small bump and I hated that. I guess I wont eat today either.  

Pushing my thoughts away, I tugged my shirt back down before grabbing my backpack that hung loosely on my wall. Unfortunately, today is Monday, meaning that Oliver and I have to go back to school. On the plus side, there's a little over a month left before we graduate from Stocksbridge.  

Unfortunately, being that it's close to the end of the year, this month is exam month. In Australia, exam month is in February but here in England, they take all the major exams a month before school is over. Thankfully, I have Oliver to help me out with all the math homework our teacher is going to assign us. You would think the teachers wouldn't assign us so much fucking homework during the exam month, right? Wrong.  

Every teacher at Stocksbridge seems to enjoy watching us having to practically drown ourselves in an endless ammount of homework. When a student in my algebra had asked the teacher why we had so much homework during exam month, his reply was simply 'To push your young minds a bit more.' but we all knew that his answer was pure bull shit.  

I looked over at Oliver and let a sad smile spread across my lips. He was lying on my bed, sleeping peacefully, the thick blanket covering the majority of his body. Oliver told me this morning that he wasn't feeling well so he was going to skip out on school for today.  

I offered to stay with him and keep him company. To my surprise and suspicion, Oliver quickly refused my offer. He told me that he'd rather have me go to school and study, seeing as I'm not very smart and it's exam month, I can't really afford to miss any school.  

Turning off my bedroom lights, I closed the door behind me and started downstairs.  

Since Oliver isn't going to be at school today, that means I'm going to be alone during the lunch period. I mean, I could always sit with the people who I originally sat with when I first got here but seeing as Jessica, Lisa, Savannah and Mike are giving me the cold shoulder, I'd rather sit by myself.  

I don't know why they're acting so cold towards me. I guess, it's because I basically ditched them to hang out with Oliver. Well, it's not like I care anymore. I'd rather be an outcast and stay with Oliver than have a ton of friends and not being with him.  

Come to think of it, seems like the whole school has turned against me. I never really noticed it before but now, I can see that everyone looks at Oliver and I with pure hatred. It's not something I'm used to but I don't really care. I haven't done anything wrong to them, they're all just choosing to act like twats.

Well, everyone except Alex and Diana has seem to turn against me. They don't really talk to me as much as they used to but they send me friendly smiles every once in a while. I remember when Lisa tried convincing me to ask Alex out. Of course, I refused her offer. 

I mean, there's nothing wrong with Alex. He's good looking and he's a nice block but I don't see myself in a relationship with him. He's more like a big brother to me. Plus, I see Alex and Lisa as a better looking couple than Alex and I. Also, my feelings for Oliver are too strong to really be with anyone else.

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