Chapter Twenty Six: Eyes Like A Car Crash

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Song & title credit: Deathbeds by Bring Me The Horizon


"Did it hurt?" Abby asked as she stared at my fresh tattoo with a curious expression. I had gotten the tattoo finished about an hour ago but Oli and I stuck around to hang out with Holly for a bit before leaving the tattoo shop. Of course, Holly had to seal away the amazing tattoo by putting a large bandage on the left side of my stomach but I took it off just to give the girls and Jordan a peek of my new tattoo.  

"Of course it hurt." I replied, chuckling quietly. I pulled the bandage back on and pulled my shirt back down. "But, the pain wasn't unbearable. Plus, it was all well worth it." I added, a large smile forming on my lips.  

Nikki sighed, "We should probably start practicing. We only have a couple of hours before the gig starts. Also, we need time to get ready." She said as she began walking towards the recording studio.  

Jordan nodded, "Yeah," he agreed, a small smile appearing on his lips. "Oh, Oli," he exclaimed, turning to face Oliver who was sitting on the leather couch, fiddling with his hands, "Hannah told me that she wanted to come over and hear the um, the thing." He said, putting enphasize on the word 'thing'. 

"Hannah?" I asked, the curiosity in my voice visible, "Who's Hannah?" I questioned.  

Oli shrugged, "Just some friend, Em." He replied, using the horrible nickname he had given me a couple of days ago.  

"Oh." I mumbled. A quiet sigh escaped my mouth as I started walking towards the recording studio. Closing the door behind me shut, I walked towards the stand that held my red guitar. I picked up the guitar, placing the strap over my shoulder before walking towards the mic stand. "What song should we practice first?" I asked.  

Looking at the girls to see if they had any suggestions but before any of them were able to say anything, Emily's voice broke through the small room. "I think, you guys should practice 'Celebrity Skin' first." She suggested, a wide smile spread across her lips as she moved away from the microphone.  

Shrugging, I looked around the room to see what the girls had to say. Everyone nodded in agreement and Sapphire began hitting a few practice beats on her drums before giving me a small nod.  

"Alright," I smiled as I quickly tuned my guitar. Once I made sure everything was read, I shot them a wide grin before I began singing the lyrics to 'Celebrity Skin'.  

'Oh, make me over. I'm all I want to be. A walking study, in demonology.'  


About three hours later, the girls, Jordan, Emily, Oliver and I all decided that we were ready for tonight's gig. We had exactly three hours to kill before we had to go to the club where we would be preforming. I know it's not anything to big but, still, it's an opportunity to get our band's name out there. That's why, I invited Alex and Diana along and told them to invite as many people as they wanted to the gig.  

Around halfway through practice, a petite girl with shoulder length hair and a nose ring walked into the studio. I figured she was the 'Hannah' Oli and Jordan had been talking about earlier. I still haven't properly met her but overall, she looked like a nice girl. Still, I couldn't help but notice how close Oliver and her were. Yes, I'll admit, I was a tad bit jealous but, I can't help it. I've been cheated on before but, I'm positive Oliver isn't like those other guys, right?  

Forcing my thoughts away, I walked out of the recording studio and into the lounge where everyone was at. I sent a friendly smile to Hannah before walking towards Oliver who was sitting on the couch. 

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