Chapter Thirteen: You Drank The Poison

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Title Credit & Song: Poison by All Time Low


Glancing down at Oli's now exposed arm, my eyes widened once I saw that what wasn't inked skin, was covered in dark purple bruises. Oli must have caught my gaze because he quickly pulled down his sleeves, a panic look overcame his features. I scooted closer to Oli and hesitantly grabbed his arm.  

Oli jerked away, "Don't." He said, his voice laced with fear rather than anger. Sighing, I bit my lip, holding back the many questions that were now wondering in my mind. Oli didn't speak, I could see his eyes became glossy and he looked down at his lap. He nervously fidgeted with his fingers, obviously waiting for me to say something.  

Finally, I decided to ask the question that seemed most important. "Oli, who did that to you?" I asked, my voice barely audbile. I knew he was being bullied at school but something inside my head was screaming at me, telling me that those bruises didn't come from some kid at school. My stomach dropped and I felt like I was going to be sick.  

Even though Oli said he doesn't want to be around me, that doesn't mean I don't care about him. If anything is going on in his house, I need to do something about it.  

Oli sighed, "I can't tell you." He whispered, I could hear the pain in his voice and it absolutely killed me to see him hurting.  

"Why? Why can't you tell me, Oliver?" I questioned, holding back the tears that had now formed in my eyes.  

Oliver bit his lip, also trying to hold back tears. "I can't tell you because... he'll... he'll hurt you." He whispered the last part.  

I grabbed his hand and forced him to look at me. "Who?" I asked, "Who is going to hurt me, Oliver? Tell me." I pleaded, wanting desperately to know who was hurting Oliver. I want to know who's hurting him so I can put a stop to it. I don't like seeing people hurt, especially not someone who I care about.  

Oliver closed his eyes, obviously contemplating on whether he should tell me or not. A couple of minutes passed by before Oliver finally decided to speak, "My father..." He trailed off, sighing heavily. "He um, he causes the bruises. Whenever he gets pissed or angry, he takes out his emotions on me." Oli let out a shaky sigh.  

His hands trailed down to the hem of his shirt, he carefully lifted the fabric up, exposing his stomach and chest. More tears formed in my eyes once I saw the many bruises on his stomach and chest. Without realizing what I was doing, I wrapped my arms around Oliver and pulled him into a tight embrace.  

Oliver rested his chin on my shoulder, which was now becoming wet with his tears but I didn't care. Hesitantly, Oli wrapped his arms around my waist and I pulled him closer. If I had known that his father was abusing him sooner, I would have done something before. I can't bare the thought of Oliver having to live with such a terrible person.  

The thing is, I knew Mr. Sykes from my childhood. He always seemed like such a kind man. He was always smiling, laughing and joking with us about silly things. Even at a young age, I was able to see that his relationship with Mrs. Sykes wasn't the best. I knew that sometimes, they had small fights in public or in their home. I remember the one time Oliver told me that his father was beginning to grow abusive.  


I was walking towards the same park Oli and I had met last year. Despite him being a jerk to me, I still hang around him and do whatever he tells me to do. Today, he had called me house and asked my mother if I was able to meet up at the park. Thankfully, my mother agreed in letting me go see Oliver for a little while.  

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