Chapter Twenty Seven: Slow Conversations With A Gun

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Title Credit & Song: I'm Low On Gas And You Need A Jacket (Acoustic) by Pierce the Veil 


I woke up the next morning to the sound of my phone ringing from my backpack. I forced my eyes opened and groaned loudly once I realized that Oliver and I had fallen asleep in the meadow. Thankfully, today is Saturday so I don't have to worry about being late for school or any of that crap. What I do have to worry about if my father.  

Sitting up on the blanket, I pressed my hand against my forehead and sighed. Fortunately, I didn't drink a lot last night so I don't have to worry about spending my Saturday trying to recover from a massive hangover but, I haven't eaten in nearly a week and it's starting to get to me.  

Whatever, it'll all be worth it in the end.  

I pulled out my phone from my back pocket and saw that I had twenty six unanswered calls, all of them from my father. Fuck, he was probably worried sick about me. After all, in his eyes, I am his 'precious little girl'. Even though, technically, I'm an adult now. Well, I guess I can't blame my dad, he was always too busy with work to take a big part in my childhood.  

A small sigh escaped my mouth as I dialed my father's number and brought the phone up to my ear. It didn't take long for him to answer and he didn't have to say anything, I could practically feel the anger vibrating through the phone.  

"Amelia, where the hell are you? Why didn't you come home last night? Jesus Christ, you had me worried sick about you!" He shouted, clearly pissed off.  

"Dad," I began, "I'm sorry I didn't call you last night but I spent the night at Sapphire and Abby's house," I lied, "I'll be home in a bit, sorry for making you worry."  

"Amelia?" Oliver groaned behind me. I quickly turned around and covered his mouth with my hand, motioning for him to be quiet. I kept my hand pressed over his mouth as I continued to hear my father chew me out over the line until he finally decided to calm down. My eyes widened and I quickly pulled my hand away once I felt Oliver lick my palm with his tongue.  

'What the hell, Oli?' I mouthed, covering the speaker on the phone. Oli said nothing but laughed before flashing me a wide grin. I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out before turning my attention back to my father who was now rambling on about how 'mature adults' don't stay out partying all night and crap like that. Honestly, I wasn't paying attention to what he was saying.  

"Alright, dad," I sighed, cutting him off, "I promise, I'll call you the next time, I'm sorry."  

My father stayed silent for a while before a loud sigh broke the tense silence, "Alright, Amelia. Just come home in a couple of hours, I have to talk to you about something."  

"Alright, I'll be home in like an hour." I replied, we both said our goodbyes before I ended the call and shoved my phone back inside my pocket. I sighed heavily as I laid back down on the blanket next to Oliver, silence surrounded us but neither him nor I felt the need to break it. I continued staring at the sky, there wasn't a single cloud in sight and it looked absolutely beautiful.  

Oliver interlocked his fingers with mine with one hand while he used the other to turn my head so I was now facing him. Oliver gently pressed his lips against mine before pulling away. "So, you liked the song, right?" He asked, smiling slightly.  

Chuckling, I nodded in response. "The song is amazing," I replied, truthfully, "Did you write the lyrics yourself?" 

"Yeah," Oliver nodded, "Jordan had some of his friends come over and play all the instrumental parts. Nicholls, the drummer, introduced me to Hannah and she was the one who sang all the female vocals in the song. I wanted you to do it but... that would have spoiled the surprise." He finished, his smile widening. 

Our Secrets Will Kill Us // Oliver SykesWhere stories live. Discover now