Chapter Eighteen: Cease To Exist

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Song: A Love Like War by All Time Low


I woke up the next morning next to Amelia. Like before, her thin arms were wrapped securely around my waist and her face was buried in my chest. Her light snores confirmed my suspicions that she was still asleep. As gently as possible, I unwrapped her arms around my waist and slipped out of her bed.  

Glancing at the digital clock on her nightstand, I saw that we still had another hour and a half before school started. Amelia lives pretty close to the school so the walk wont take that long. Ten minutes at the most. 

I stretched my arms out and let a quiet yawn escape my lips as I attempted to awaken myself a bit. I ran my fingers through my hair and began to contemplate on whether I should actually go to school, or just skip out. Shortly after, I decided on just going to school, there's no point in staying home if I'm just going to be alone. 

Alone to my thoughts of self hatred and self pity. Surely enough, if I am alone again, the voices in my head will only return and cause my mind to race with different thoughts, I definitely don't want that again.  

Pushing my thoughts away, I flicked on the bathroom's light. While my eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness filling the large bathroom, I turned on the shower and locked the bathroom door. Once all my clothes were taken off and placed in a messy pile on the ground, I stepped into the cold shower.  

Closing my eyes, I lolled my head back and sighed contently as the cool water hit against my inked skin. 


Once my skin started to prun from standing in the shower for so long, I turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. Grabbing a red towel that hung loosely from the towel rack, I wrapped the material around my waist, making sure it was secure before stepping out of the bathroom. 

My eyes widened slightly once I saw Amelia sitting up on the bed, in the process of both yawning and stretching. Her eyes widened and her face turned a dark shade of red once she saw me. "I thought you'd still be asleep." I mumbled, blushing slightly. I didn't think she'd be awake by the time I finished showering, the thought of grabbing some clothes completely slipped my mind. I guess I know now how she felt when I was gawking at her the first night I stayed here, seeing as Amelia has yet to look away. 

I guess she must have realized that I noticed her staring because she looked down at her lap and shifted her position on the bed, her face still a dark shade of red. A slightly awkward silence filled her bedroom as I quickly searched in my backpack for some clothes. Eventually, I just decided in wearing my usual outfit for school; some random shirt, boxers, black skinny jeans and my black hoodie.  

Hurrying back into the bathroom, I closed the door behind me and let my towel pool onto the floor. I slipped on my clothing and ran my fingers bedroom.  

Figuring it was safe for me to go downstairs, I walked out of Amelia's bedroom and down the large staircase. The smell of fresh coffee and eggs filled my nostrils as I made my way towards the kitchen. I stopped dead in my tracks once I saw Mr. Taylor standing in front of the kitchen stove.  

Without hesitation, I turned around and quietly, sprinted back upstairs and into Amelia's bedroom. Not long after, a knock was heard on her door, Amelia still nowhere in sight.  

I frantically looked around her bedroom until I quickly decided on just hiding under her bed. As I laid flat on my stomach on the hardwood floor, I tried my best to keep quiet while I watched Mr. Taylor enter Amelia's bedroom. He paced around the room, calling her name until, suddenly, Amelia appeared at the doorway.  

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