Chapter Thirty One: We Hurt People That Love Us

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Title Credit & Song: Opposites Attract by Kendrick Lamar


"Are you sure you're okay to go on this tour?" Alex asked, worry and concern laced in his voice as we walked towards the van that was now parked outside of my house. I have been waiting for this day to come for so long and now, I can't wait to go on tour and get away from this fucking place for an entire month. I nodded, gripping onto the strap on my bag.  

"I'm sure, I need this." I mumbled, sighing quietly. None of the girls knew about what happened between Oliver and I. As far as they're concerned, Oliver and I are still the happy, mushy couple we were before. They don't know that he used me for sex and then broke my heart. At least, it seems that way.  

Alex sighed, "Alright, Amelia but remember, if you ever want to come back home, just call me and I'll come pick you up, no matter what city you're in." He said, his voice firm yet kind. I'm really grateful that I have Alex as a friend. Honestly, I don't know what I would have done without him. I would have probably ended up staying all day in my bed and canceling the tour. Thank God that I didn't do that. I know how important this is for our band and I definitely don't want to be the reason for us missing our chance.  

"Thank you, Alex, for everything. You're such an amazing person." I smiled before pulling him into a tight hug. I could practically feel the girl's eyes peering at us through the van's window but I didn't care. They could think what they want, Alex is nothing more than an amazing friend. I know, I just friend-zoned him but I hope he knows that right now, I'm not ready for another relationship. I know he has feelings for me, I just hope he understands why I can't be with him.  

Pulling away from our hug, Alex smiled down at me, "You guys better kill it." He said, his smile turning into a wide grin.  

"We will," I chuckled before I said 'goodbye' and began walking towards the large van. I slid the door open and sat in the backseat next to the window and Hanah Marie.  

Throughout the entire ride to the first venue, the girls constantly asked me where Oliver was and why he didn't say hello to any of them. Honestly, I wanted to shout at them and tell them to shut the fuck up, but I knew that would be wrong. It's not their fault, they don't know what Oliver did. I just wish they would stop asking so many damn questions.  

When we did finally arrive at the first venue, I noticed a large, dark blue bus parked behind the building where we would be playing at. Our first show was tomorrow night so that gave us enough time to prepare everything tonight. It's strange, Riot said that the venues aren't going to be big but honestly, the building looked quite large. Maybe they were used to playing at large areas? Who knows, who cares. All that matters is that we're here, everything is healthy and things are going pretty smooth so far.  

"Alright," Hanah clapped her hands together as we all stood outside of their tour bus. Standing to her right were three unfamiliar figures which I quickly recognized as Sammy, Levi and Jack, the techs that would be helping our band and their band for this tour. Jenny had showed me a picture of what they looked like and our band had Skype with them a couple of times over the past couple of weeks.  

Sammy was a short blonde with dark green eyes and black angel-bites. Levi was around 6'3, messy brown hair with dark brown eyes and tan skin. Jack had short black hair and blue eyes, his skin was almost as pale as Aurora's and he seemed to carry a welcoming aura with him. In fact, all three of them did.  

"These are the techs, but you guys already know them. Anyways, Emily and I are going to look around the venue for a bit. You guys are welcome to do whatever you want-" she then turned her attention to Jaylee who was messing with the hem of her gray sweatshirt, "-don't break anything, Jaylee. I swear to fucking God, if you break anything, I will be on your ass for the rest of the tour." She threatened.  

Our Secrets Will Kill Us // Oliver SykesWhere stories live. Discover now