Chapter Thirty Three: Moving On

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Song: No Church In The Wild by Jay Z & Kanye West ft Frank Ocean


"Alright," Riot began, holding up her red cup that was filled with some strong liquor that Jake had brought earlier, "tonight was the final fucking show of this awesome fucking tour." She grinned widely, "We all had an amazing time. Some of us almost got arrested-" 

"What do you mean 'some of us'?" Jenny laughed, interrupting Riot, "You were the only one who almost got arrested... twice. One of which was because you threw your drink at the security guard and slapped a bartender."  

Riot grinned, "Yeah, whatever. Like I was saying, this tour has been amazing and I think I can speak for everyone when I say that this has been the best tour we've ever done. I love all you bitches and I hope we can do this again, soon." She finished, everyone nodded their heads in agreement. This was Sapphire, Nikki, Abby and my first tour and it was fucking mental.  

After tonight is over and done with, we all drive back to Sheffield. Romance Is Dead are going to go into the studio to record their first album with Fearless Records. I think it's fucking insane how quickly they were able to get singed to a record deal like Fearless but I wish them the best. Recording was such a fun experience for us and I hope it will for them too.  

I talked to the girls about going down to Baltimore with Alex in a couple of weeks. They told me that it would be fine for me to go, as long as I promised them to hand out as many copies of our demos as possible. Of course, I agreed with doing that small task and promised them that by the time I come back, all the copies will be gone. At least, that's what I hope for.  

I took a seat at the booth and watched in amusement as Riot and Levi began preparing themselves to arm wrestle each other. Sapphire pulled out her phone to record the event while Athena set up a score table. Hanah, Nikki, Abby, Jenny and I all agreed that Riot would beat Levi in the match. Of course, Levi -being the cocky son of a bitch that he is- made us all add twenty dollars to the bet.  

To no surprise, Riot beat Levi without even having to do too much work. Levi ended up having to pay each of us twenty dollars, resulting in him loosing over two hundred and fifty dollars on the bet. If Levi hadn't acted like such a sexist bastard, we all probably would have felt bad for him, but oh well.  

"Whatever," Levi grumbled, "Riot was cheating anyways." His ridiculous accusation causing everyone, including Jake, to burst out laughing.  

"Don't be mad, Levi," Sammy grinned widely, "just because Riot is stronger and smarter than you doesn't mean you should get you boxers in a twist, love." She teased.  

The rest of the night was basically spent everyone teasing the shit out of Levi until he managed to pass out in the bathroom, how? I have no fucking clue... the bathroom isn't even big enough for someone to lay down in... Shortly after, one by one, everyone eventually began passing out until it was just me who was up. I stayed up, watching Tim Burton movies until I eventually passed out on the couch next to Hanah.  


"Promise we'll do this again someday, alright?" Riot asked as she hugged me tightly. We already dropped off Sapphire, Nikki and Abby at their houses and right now, I'm standing on my front lawn, hugging the hell out of everyone. Unfortunately, Romance Is Dead are recording their first album in London so we wont be able to see them for a couple of months.  

"Yeah," I chuckled, pulling away from her tight grip, "As soon as you bitches get back from recording that album, we're going to fucking celebrate," I declared, smiling widely. Once Riot let me go, I said goodbye to the five of them before grabbing my bags and starting towards the entrance of my home.  

I walked into the familiar home and to no surprise, I found it empty. I swear, no wonder it was so easy to hide Oliver in this damn house, my father is literally never home. I get that he works a nine to five job every single fucking day but sometimes I wonder if he uses his job as an excuse to get away from me. It's not like I can really blame him, mum used to do that when I lived in Australia.  

Oliver's POV~ 

Drumming my fingers against my leg, I waited patiently for the land lord of the flat building, Iris and Hannah to come back out from her office. After the little 'incident' happened between Hannah and I, things didn't really change... and we didn't stop hooking up. I know it's wrong to have sex with Hannah while my heart still belongs to someone else, but Hannah's right, I need to move on. I chose to leave Amelia and I have to stop wallowing in my own self-pity.  

Since I've already lived at the Snowdon residence for almost a month, I decided it would be best for me to move out so today, I'm looking for a flat with Hannah. We've already looked at three other buildings and all of them are okay, but when Iris showed me this flat, I knew that this would be the perfect place to move to. It's on the otherside of Sheffield and a good distance away from Amelia's house so the chance of running into her has dropped quite a bit.  

I forced my thoughts away once I heard the door open, I looked up and saw Hannah walking towards me, smiling widely. She held up a small key in her hand, her smile growing wider. "It's done. Flat 324 now officially belongs to a Mr. Oliver Scott Sykes."  

Grinning widely, I stood up from the uncomfortable bench and pulled Hannah into a tight hug. I picked her up and spun her around, causing her to giggle loudly. Pressing my lips against Hannah's, I pushed my guilty conscious away and into the back of my head. 

Hannah's right, I need to move on and moving on is exactly what I am going to do from now on.


Is it wrong that I enjoyed writing this chapter? .-. Also, I apologize for the length of this chapter.

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