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        A young male Jogger is jogging along a path. A Heavyset Man running faster catches up to him, jogs near him for a few moments as they look at each other, then sprints off.

       The Jogger stops to catch his breath before jogging on. Further down the path, the Jogger comes to a stop in front of the Heavyset Man, who seems to be waiting for him.

        The Jogger holds out his hand. "Congratulations. You're fast." He says.

       The Heavyset Man grabs the Jogger's outstretched right arm with his left hand. "I do a lot of cardio." The Heavyset Man plunges his right hand into the Jogger's chest and withdraws his heart. He falls to the ground.


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        Sam picks up a red apple from a basket and takes a bite. Dean is looking at his phone with Elena's arm looped through his. "Wow. Guy goes to Purgatory for a year, all hell breaks loose. Check this out. A jogger in Minneapolis gets his heart ripped out." Dean says.

       "I'm guessing literally?" Asks Sam.

       "Only way that interests me. And then, there's another article from six months ago." Dean says as Sam puts tomatoes into a canvas bag. "Same thing happens, also in Minneapolis. What does that tell us?"

       "Stay out of Minneapolis." Elena says.

        "Two hearts ganked, Same city, six months apart." Dean says and Sam hands over money for his purchases. "I mean, that's got to be a ritual, man. Or at least some sort of a heart-sucking, possessed, satanic, crack-whore bat."

       "A what?" Sam asks.

       "It's a case. Look, I say we hang out the shingle again and ride." Dean says.

       "We're on a case, Dean. Kevin and the demon tablet need to be found, so heart guy takes a number." Sam says.

       "Uh, we just spent a week chasing our asses trying to lock Kevin down, okay? And look at us. We're –" Dean looks around at their surroundings. "Where the hell are we?"

       "Farmers' market." Sam says slowly as he holds up the apple. "Organic. What? I had a year off. I took the time to enjoy the good things."

       "While avoiding doing what we actually do." Dean says.

       "Wow, Dean, does it make you feel that much better every time you say it?" Sam asks.

        "All right, man, look, I get it. You took a year off to do yoga and play the lute, whatever, but I'm back. Okay, we're back, which means that we walk and kill monsters at the Same time." Dean says. "We'll find Kevin. But in the meantime, do we ignore stuff like this? Or are innocent people supposed to die so that you can shop for produce?"

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       Someone drops a folder with photos of the dead Jogger onto a desk. As the camera pans out, we see that Dean, Elena and Sam in suits are talking to a Detective.

        "Here's what's odd about this thing – the guy wasn't chopped or cut into, no incision. But his heart was ripped out of him like a peach pit." The Detective says.

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