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       Samandiriel is bound to a chair in a room with symbols painted on the windows. His face and his Weiner Hut uniform are covered with blood, and a metal pick protrudes from his forehead. We hear footsteps.

       He grimaces as he expels the pick from his forehead using his angel powers. "Naomi. Naomi, Crowley has me." He says.

        The door opens and a Demon wearing a white doctor's coat and a bow tie enters. He walks up behind Samandiriel and leans down over him.

         "Ah, ah, ah. Been on angel radio, have we?"

       "No, uh..." Samandiriel starts.

       "Don't lie to me, Alfie." The Demon moves to stand in front of him.

       "I'm not lying. Please, I wouldn't lie to you."

       "Oh, Alfie, after all these weeks together. I mean, how – how I wish that were so." He picks up the metal pick from the floor. "Now we're going to have to turn off that signal... again."

        "No. No! No!" Samandiriel screams as the Demon pushes the pick back into his forehead.



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      We see a close-up of the door of Room 118. Sam is sitting on a couch drinking a bottle of beer. He opens the door and sees Dean. Sam partly closes the door, looking angry, then opens it fully again.

        Dean walks past him into the room and hugs Elena before turning back to his brother. "Who did you expect?" He asks.

       "Long drive." Sam says.

        "Well, I wouldn't have had to make it if you hadn't have hung up on me."

        "Yeah, well, I heard all I needed to hear." Says Sam.

       "No, you heard what you wanted to hear. I told you Benny wasn't killing." Dean says. "Hell, I watched him end the fangbanger that was."

        "How about Martin? How did he end that?" Sam asks.

      "Stupid – just like I said it would. Crazy son of a bitch didn't give Benny a choice. It was self-defense." Dean says.

      "Seriously, Dean? That's the story you're going with? That the vampire was the real victim here?" Sam asks.

      "Hey, like it or not, that's the truth, okay?" Dean asks. "There was a time when that actually meant something."

        "Yeah, yeah. No kidding." Says Sam.

        "What does that mean?" Dean asks.

        "You think this is just about Benny?" Sam asks.

        "What the hell are you talking about?"

       "What the hell do you think I'm talking about?" Asks Sam.

       "Amelia? Oh, come on, man. I sent you that text 'cause I needed you to – to –" Dean starts.

       "You needed me to what? To tear ass to Texas?" Sam asks. "To be afraid that what happened to Jessica, what happened to... everybody that we care about might have happened to her?"

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