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       Dean and Benny enter. Dean looks around with a flashlight. Someone crosses the room behind him and he turns, but sees no one. He goes to investigate and Desmond drops lightly to the ground behind him.

      Desmond advances on Dean, who turns and swings with his machete. He sends Dean flying to the ground, then straddles him. Desmond speaks with his fangs descended. "Benny never told me he was bringing a friend." He says.

       "You're not gonna talk a lot, are you?" Dean reaches for his syringe of dead man's blood. "I've been dealing with crazy... all day." He tries to jab Desmond with the syringe, but he catches his hand and squeezes it, breaking the syringe. Dean groans.

       Desmond forces Dean's hand down and slashes at his neck with a fingernail, cutting him. He licks Dean's blood from his fingers, then snarls and lunges at his neck. Benny pulls Desmond upright and decapitates him. Desmond's head falls from his body and lands next to Dean's head.

       "Son of a... It took you long enough." Dean says.

       "You've lost a step, friend." Benny gives Dean his hand to pull him to his feet. "You need to lay off the junk food."

       Dean touches the cut on his neck and winces. "Aah!" He exclaims. We hear his heartbeat as Benny looks at the cut. His eyes narrow and his lips twitch. "You okay?" Benny raises his eyes to Dean's.

      "I'm fine." Benny turns and slowly walks away.

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       Dean, who is holding a cloth to his neck, walks over to Benny. "My life here is over, isn't it?" Benny asks.

       "Afraid so. Once word gets out... The machete swingers that'll come for you..." Dean says. "You can't take them all. It's impossible. And even if you could..."

       "We'd have a problem."

       "Guys like us, we don't get a home. We don't get family." Dean says.

       "You got Sam."

        Dean pauses. "Yeah. Benny, you got to go deep underground, where nobody knows who you are." He says.

        "Yeah. I got one last thing I got to do." Benny walks away.

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        Sam is driving. He makes a call to Amelia on his cell phone.

       "The person you are trying to reach is unavailable."

       Sam scowls, hangs up and tosses the phone down. Elena looks at him worriedly.


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        Sam is packing a bag in the bedroom. Amelia appears in the doorway. "What are you doing?" She asks.

       "I'm, uh..." Sam clears his throat. "...I'm leaving."

       "What?" She asks and Sam sighs. "Don found you at the bar."

       "Amelia –" Sam starts.

       "He threatened you."

       "Amelia, no. He didn't threaten me." Sam says. "I – Look, I'm just trying to do the right thing here."

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