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Kevin is sleeping. "Kevin. Kevin. I know what you're up to..." Crowley says as Kevin's eyes snap open, he sits up. "Working with them, those Winchesters. Dead end, Kevin." He is out of bed, looking around, trying to find Crowley. "Not here. Not here, either. Give up." He looks under the bed. "I'm in your head, as well as everywhere else. Last time you irked me, you lost a finger. Imagine what will happen this time."

Kevin holds up his arm, he has no hand, it's just a bloody stump, he screams, we hear a crack, he falls, his wrists, his legs are nothing but bloody stumps. He's surrounded in blood.


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Dean pounds on the metal door. "Kevin, open up! Kevin!" He yells. Kevin opens the door, huge cast iron skillet in hand, he looks haunted, tired, unkempt. "Whoa! Whoa. Geez. What's going on? What's with the S.O.S.?" Sam and Dean enter.

"It's him." Kevin says.

"It's who?" Sam asks.


"What about him?" Dean asks.

"He's in my head." Kevin says.

"He's... in your head." Sam says.

"Do you know what that means?"

"Yeah, it means we need to up your anxiety meds. Kevin, you're dreaming." Dean says. "Look, if Crowley knew where you were, he'd do a hell of a lot more than mess with your head."

"All right, where's Garth?" Sam asks.

"On a case or–or the dentist. I don't know. I haven't heard from him."

"Okay, well, what did you want to tell us that you couldn't say on the phone?" Dean asks. "Would you put the frying pan down, please?"

Kevin puts the pan on the stove. "I translated the second trial from the tablet." He says.

"You... crazy Prophet, you. Nice work."

"And if Crowley's in my head, he knows."

"Okay, he's definitely not in your head." Dean says.

"He's not in your head, Kevin. It's okay. Just... We know you're distressed. Just stay with us, all right? What's the second trial?" Sam asks.

"An innocent soul has to be rescued from Hell and delivered unto Heaven." Sam says.

"What?" Asks Dean.

"'Unto'. That's–that's how God talks."

"Rescue a soul from Hell? Like actually... Go to Hell?" Sam asks. "How–how do you get a soul unto Heaven? I mean, how do you even get a soul out of Hell?"

"We're gonna need an expert." Dean says.

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Sam puts a box in a hole in the ground, covers it with his foot. "Winchesters." The Demon is male, his eyes flash red.

"What happened to the hot chicks?" Asks Dean.

"I'm out of here."

"Maybe not." Sam says. The crossroads demon looks down, he is standing in a huge devil's trap.

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