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Henry is sitting at a table holding the photograph with Elena. Dean and Sam are standing at the counter. "Driver's license says he's Henry Winchester from Normal, Illinois. He knows Dad's birthday, the exact place where he was born. Dude, that's our grandfather." Sam says.

"I'm just saying before we break out the warm and toasties, let's not forget that, uh, H.G. Wells over there left Dad high and dry when he was a kid." Dean says.

"But maybe he didn't run out on Dad – I mean, not on purpose. Maybe he time-traveled here and, I don't know, got stuck." Says Sam.

"Yeah, well, either way, Dad hated the son of a bitch." Dean says.

"And Dad made up for that how? By being father of the year?" Asks Sam.

A Waitress sets trays of food down in front of Dean and Sam. "Here you go." She says.

"Thanks." Dean says. "Look, Dad had his issues, okay, but he was always there for us. I freaking hate time-travel, man." Dean and Sam carry the trays of food to the table where Henry and Elena are sitting and sit down across the table from them.

"How you doing?" Sam asks.

"I'll be fine. After all, despite everything, I've just met my grandsons and granddaughter, haven't I?" Henry says and holds out a hand to Sam. "Henry Winchester. It's a pleasure."

Elena clears her throat. "I'm actually dating one of your grandsons." She says.

"I assume you're dating the respectable one." Henry says and smiles.

"No we're not together." Sam says.

"Actually no, I'm dating the un-respectable one." Elena says.

"I mean we were together..." Sam starts.

"But not anymore...we broke up." Says Elena.

"He doesn't care about our personal lives." Dean says annoyingly.

Sam shakes Henry's hand. "Sam." He says.

"Hello, Sam." Henry holds out his hand to Dean. Dean picks up a basket of food from the tray in front of Sam and sets it down in front of Henry.

"Dinner." Dean says and Elena kicks him under the table. "Ow!"

"This is Dean and Elena Gilbert." Sam says.

Henry looks confused. "You wouldn't have a grandfather named Peter Gilbert by any chance?" He asks.

"Uh, I don't think so." She says.

"Right." Henry says.

"Well, this has been touching. How about we figure out how to clean up your mess, huh?" Dean asks.

"Abaddon. Yes. She must be stopped."

"How come she didn't die when I stabbed her?" Asks Dean.

"Because demons can't be killed by run-of-the-mill cutlery. At the very least, you'd need an ancient demon-killing knife of the Kurds."

Dean takes his knife partway out of his jacket. "That's what this is." He says.

"Where'd you get that?" Henry asks.

Dean shoves the knife back into his jacket. "Demon gave it to me. We've been around this block so many times." He says.

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