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        Garth and Sam get out of Garth's vehicle and walk towards the library. "Hey, uh, Sam. If you ever need to talk, I just want to let you know that I'm here. About anything – you know, life, uh, Dean, you." Garth says.

      "I'm okay. Thanks." Sam says.

       "I mean, it just seems like you and Dean are talking but nobody's listening to each other." Garth says. "I had this cousin once – well, he's gone now – but his name was Frank. Frank and I used to build..." He goes inside the library. Sam stands on the steps outside.


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        Sam wakes and rolls over. "Hey." He says. Amelia is dressed and carrying a handbag.

       "Hey. Uh, just lock up when you leave. I'm late." Amelia picks up her keys.

       "Wait, what?" Sam asks.

       "I just think it's better if neither of us get the wrong idea here."

       "O-okay." He says.

       "And I know I said a lot of things last night, and I know I can't ask you to forget them. But just... Do."

       "Why?" Asks Sam.

       "Because I don't need your pity. I don't need you looking at me the way they all – like that."

       "Wait, um... you think this is pity? Amelia, I'm glad you told me about Don. It helps me understand." Sam says.

       "How messed up I am?" She asks. "You think I don't know that? You don't have to feel sorry for me, Sam."

      "I didn't mean it like that."

      "Yeah, well, like I said, I'm late. So..." Amelia leaves the room.


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       Garth opens the front door of the library and speaks to Sam, who is still standing on the steps. "Hey, you comin'?" He asks.

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       Dean and Elena get out of the Impala, which is parked behind the Sheriff's vehicle. Dean glances in the open window of the Sheriff's vehicle and walks on.

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       A librarian is leading Sam and Garth through the library. "You do know there is a good reason he's called the unknown soldier, right?" She asks.

       "Right. Uh, we were just hoping maybe a theory or two had been a floated around over the years – something local, maybe?" Sam asks.

       "There is one." She takes a book from a shelf.

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       A Woman and a Man in hospital employee uniforms are laughing together on opposite sides of the reception desk when a shot shatters a pane of glass next to them. They scream and duck for cover.

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