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"I bet you're ready to get out of here." A Nurse is standing in Elena's hospital room, writing something on a clipboard. Elena is fully dressed and standing with the Nurse.

"You have no idea." Elena says. "Most of all, I can't wait to see my boyfriend."

The Nurse smiles. "The cute, squirrelly looking guy?" She asks and Elena nods. "Oh he's handsome. You're one lucky girl."

"I think he's the lucky one." Elena says as the Nurse leaves. Immediately, Crowley appears in front of her. She sneers. "You have the nerve to be stepping in front of me right now."

"Oh put the claws away, Princess. You're not going to do anything, especially not with that seeping wound you have there." Crowley says. "I just wanted to say, my apologies. It's about time that keep my pets in check."

"What do you want Crowley." Elena asks.

"I just wanted to mention that there's no hard feelings." Crowley says. "And send you a message. Tell the Winchesters to back off."

Elena crosses her arms. "I don't know what you're talking about." She says.

"While you have been all 'Grey's Anatomy', Sam and Dean have been cracking the Demon tablet." Crowley says. "Well, farewell. I hope you have a nice recovery." He disappears.

Elena lets out a sigh and walks out of her room. She looks sad, but when she sees Dean down the hallway with flowers, she immediately runs up to him. Elena plants a million kisses on his face as Dean looks around.

"Hey, you're making me look uncool." Dean whispers.

"You were never cool." Elena says as Dean hands her flowers. "Aw, you got me flowers?"

"I thought you might like them." Dean says. "And I thought you might also like to go out to eat."

Elena smiles and leans against Dean. "That sounds amazing. Where are we going?" She asks.

"You'll see." Dean places his arm across Elena's shoulder as they walk out.

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"You brought me to a park?" Elena asks and looks at Dean.

Dean pulls a basket out of the trunk. "It's a tip that I pulled out of 'Sam's Book of Failed Relationships'." He says.

"That's not funny." Elena says and elbows him in the stomach. Dean grabs Elena's hand and interlaces their fingers. "Dean. You're holding my hand...in public."

"Yeah, so?" He says.

"You never want to hold my hand." Elena says. "You say that only sappy couples do that. You torment those couples."

Dean shrugs. "It's not so bad." He says as they stop at a hill. "This is our stop." He says.

"It's beautiful." She says. Dean lays down a blanket under the tree and he sits down. Elena watches him as he unloads the basket. "You look ridiculous in that jacket. It's got to be like 90 degrees out here."

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