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The scene opens at a waterfall. Music is blaring on the radio. The camera pans over the top of a red station wagon parked in the parking lot that overlooks the waterfall and river it's flowing into. As the song plays on the radio the camera is now inside the car and we watch a couple of teenagers make out.

The camera is now outside the car towards the left front side and we see a blue van drive in from the adjoining road into the parking lot. The camera moves back inside the car and the teenagers are still making out. A shadowy figure runs by the car. The Girl notices and stops kissing the boy. " What was that?" The Girl is Krissy from an earlier episode.

"What?" The Boy asks. Krissy turns around in her seat to look all the way around the car. "There's no one out here but us, Krissy." He continues to kiss her. He then also sees someone running around the car. "What? No, no. No, no, no."

Someone continues to run around the car rapidly. And suddenly the car's hood flips up. The teenagers seem to become scared and the Boy tries to start the car.

"Okay. The car won't start." The Boy grabs a knife from the back seat area and starts to get out of the car

"No. No. Don't leave me here! Aiden! Don't leave me here!" Krissy says as Aiden gets out of the car and closes the door. "Oh, God."

Suddenly the window next to Krissy shatters and a Man pulls her out of the car. Aiden comes up behind the Man and cuts his head off using the knife he retrieved from the back seat. Krissy picks herself up and Josephine comes running up, holding a small shotgun, from off-screen and walks up to Aiden and Krissy.

While Aiden stares at the body he seems to be thinking about what he just did. Krissy calmly walks around the body stepping over part of it.

"You okay?" Josephine asks.

"That was close. Next time one of you can be the bait." Krissy walks over with the other two to look at the head on the ground.

Aiden looks visible upset. "It's him." He says.

"One down. Two to go."


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The camera is looking down an empty street towards a T intersection. A Sheriff car drives out of the Sheriff station parking lot that's on the left and turns left and as it comes to the end if the T intersection and is about to turn left as the Impala drives in from the left and takes a turns towards the camera.

The Impala takes a right hand turn into the Sheriff Station parking lot. Dean is driving and he parks the car in one of the parking lot spaces. "Did you find out how long Elena will be staying in the hospital?" Sam asks.

"A couple of weeks and she'll be good as new." Dean says.

"That's good." Sam says. "So, what are we looking at again?" Dean reaches into the back seat and hands Sam a newspaper. He reads his summary of what the paper says out loud. "'Two young women found near the freeway with their throats ripped out'."

"Sounds vampy to me." Dean says.

"Yeah, maybe." Sam says.

"Listen, if you want to take a knee on this one if you're not feeling up to it..." Dean says.

"What?" Asks Sam.

"You know, the trials, what Cass said that you got what he can't cure."

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