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The streets are damp and the air is foggy. A Man and a Woman walk out of the back door and into an alley of a cheap motel. The alley is dark but lit by a pink neon hotel sign. It appears someone is watching them from a car nearby.

"You were great, and I want to give you a little something." The Man gives the Woman money and touches her arm as he starts to walk away from her smiling at her. "Here you go. Thanks."

"Thank you." The Woman says.


The camera moves into the nearby car and we see the back of a man's head. We see he is watching the Woman who is now standing alone. She sticks the money in her purse and zips it up. The Woman starts to walk away. She walks away from the car where the mysterious man is sitting.

The mysterious man in the car gets out of the car. The woman turns her head. She sees no one but keeps walking forward while looking behind her. The alley appears empty which seems to confuse her so she stops and turns almost all the way around to get a better look.

When she decides no one is there she looks forward and begins walking again. There's a banging noise and the Woman gasps. This time she turns all the way around and the camera zooms fast on her face but she still sees nothing.

As she turns, we see someone standing in her path. She becomes very startled to see a Man standing there. He flashes his police badge. "Guess it's not my night." She says.

"Guess not." The Policeman pulls out a pair of handcuffs and the Woman turns around to be cuffed. Neither of them look surprised or seem to find the situation unordinary.

They both have blank expressions on their faces as they both seem to have done this before. The Policeman steps up behind her and places the cuffs on her wrists. He turns her around and the Woman looks at him unimpressed. The Policeman suddenly grabs the woman, and begins to choke her.

The Policeman is suddenly in his bed waking up from what seems like a nightmare. He appears to still behaving the nightmare as he sees himself to continue to kill the Woman and we see camera shots of her being killed. He looks very upset and scared after waking up and the camera pans from him on his bed to a Doberman pincher laying nearby on his right.

The dog jumps up as she notices her master waking up from this nightmare. The dog climbs on the right side of bed with the Policeman and he reaches his right hand out to caress her. He calms down but the dog begins to whine as the Policeman lays back down. The dog lays her head across her master's lap and sniffs his hand.

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The Policeman walks into his kitchen wearing a blue robe. He walks by a fireplace where you see a letter of commendation on the mantle. He grabs a coffee cup off the counter and he walks over to the coffeepot and opens the top lid where the filter basket is and he removes the filter basket.

He closes the coffeepot lid and walks over to the trashcan. As he leans over to open the round trash can we see the dirty filter filled with used coffee grounds. The camera is looking up at the Policeman from inside the trash can as he opens it and he looks down inside the trashcan. The music in the background is high pitched but low but begins to intensify.

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