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"How did you drop him so quickly?" Dean asks.

"Darts filled with dead man's blood." Krissy says.

"Where's the blue van?" Dean asks.

"What blue van?"

"The blue van that he was seen bolting to? Never mind." Dean takes out a knife from a side holster to kill the Vampire.

"Wait, stop! This is not your kill." She says.

"What are you talking about?" Dean asks.

"Three months ago, this blood banger snuck into a house and killed three people in their sleep." Josephine says.

"What?! No! I didn't do that!" The Vampire yells.

"One was a woman–never hurt anyone! The other two, a brother and a sister." Krissy says.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"I came home from a friend's house, and I found them. They were my family!" Josephine yells.

"This isn't happening. I didn't do anything, I swear. Please, help me!" Josephine ignores the vampire and takes a machete that she had at her side and slices his head off. Dean looks around hoping no one sees and Sam looks very angry.

Krissy walks up behind Josephine to comfort her. "It's okay. It's over." She says. Dean looks at Krissy with a scornful look.

"We need to talk to you privately." Dean says.

"You know this guy?" Aiden asks.

"Yeah. We have a past."

"All right. So, you're gonna have to catch me up. What–did your dad, uh–he couldn't quit the life, could he?"

"No, he did. For a while, it was amazing. We had dinner every night at a table. We watched TV, went on walks. Even went to the mall." Krissy says.

"And then?" Dean asks.

"And then...The past came a-knockin'. I woke up one morning and found him dead...his throat ripped out." Krissy says.

"Well, I'm sorry." Dean says.

"Me too. If it weren't for Josephine and Aiden, I don't know how I would have made it."

"So, they both lost their families, as well?" Dean asks.

"Yeah, the same vamps we're hunting together–a nest." Krissy says.

"Well, look, I am sorry to rain on your parade, but you are way too young to be doing this." Dean says.

"You're never too young to kill monsters, especially the ones that kill your family." Krissy says.

"Hunting isn't all about killing and revenge. I thought we had this chat last time." Dean says. "Do you have any, uh–do you have any family that's still out there?"

"An aunt in Cincinnati. Why?"

"Cause you're packing a bag, and we're taking you there." Says Dean.

"I think Victor's gonna have a problem with that." Krissy says.

"Victor?" Dean asks.

"He took us in, showed us everything we know."

"Wait. So, what are we talking here? Some sort of kid's school for hunters?" Asks Dean.

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