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The Impala is still parked outside a motel. Dean and Elena are asleep in their separate bed. Sam hits Dean on the shoulder with a notepad. "Hey. Wake up!" He yells.

"What? What?!" Dean yells, waking up Elena in the process.

"Henry – he's gone." Sam says.

"Where is he?" Dean asks.

"Well, no idea. He just left a note saying he was gonna fix everything." Sam says.

"Yeah, or screw it all up. All right." Dean gets up.

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Henry stands outside the shop, looking at a symbol in the window. He enters. "Satnam. Welcome, traveler. What can I help you with?" The Shopkeeper says.

"I can use a tear of a dragon and a pinch of the sands of time, but don't bother wrapping it up. I'll be using it right away." Henry says.

"We don't carry those things here. But can I interest you in some kava root? It's great for anxiety."

"In your window – hunters' signs. I know who you are and what you are." Henry says. "Now give me what I need so I can be on my way."

The Shopkeeper cocks a shotgun behind the counter. "I agree. You should be going, stranger." She says.

"I understand. You don't know me, so you're reluctant to sell to me. Fine. But please let me purchase some chamomile..." Henry lifts a spoonful of yellow powder from a dish on the counter. "...for my restless nights before I go. Bah-rah-gah-doh." He blows the yellow powder onto her, who falls to the ground with a cry. "Sleep well."

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Dean enters the room. "Now we know what he meant by 'fix everything'." He says.

"What?" Asks Sam.

"He broke in to the trunk, stole an angel feather. I'm guessing he's gonna whip up another one of those blood spells and Marty McFly himself back to the 1950s." Dean says.

"To do what? Stop Abaddon before she strikes?" Sam asks.

"Or grab Dad and haul ass. Look, point is he's doing it." Dean says.

"How? He still needs two ingredients for the spell. Unless... unless there's some place nearby that sells real hoodoo." Elena says and Sam opens the laptop.

"I'll call Garth." Dean takes out his phone. Sam clicks on an item on a police scanner application on the laptop.

"All units, possible homicide at Astro Comics. Location..."

"Hey." Sam says.


"It just hit the wires – one dead at Astro Comics." Sam says.

Dean looks over Sam's shoulder. "Abaddon?" He asks.

"Yeah, has to be."

"Okay, so she's close. I'll go find Henry. You find Larry. Figure out how to kill this chick." Dean and Elena leave the room.

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Sam stops in front of the house, looking at a notepad. A Woman pours tea. Larry sits in an armchair and Sam on a couch. "So, Henry is dead. I was so sure that – that he had survived." Larry says.

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