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A Soldier riding a motorcycle parks outside a large house with a Nazi banner. He approaches a Sentry who is standing outside a smaller building. The Soldier raises an arm in a casual salute. "Heil Hitler." He says.

"You're late."

"Don't blame me. It was the shoemaker's daughter." The Soldier says.

The Sentry hands the Soldier a pass. "Lucky bastard." He says as the Soldier walks past the Sentry into the camp. "Get the clap." The Sentry tries to light a cigarette, but his lighter won't catch. Heavy footsteps approach and a shadow falls over the Sentry, who looks up. The cigarette drops from his mouth and he screams.

A Soldier looks out a window upon hearing the Sentry's scream. He steps back in alarm as the Sentry crashes through the window. The Soldier checks the Sentry's body, but the Sentry is dead. The Soldier sounds an alarm as heavy footsteps can be heard approaching.

A Nazi Officer pours blood from a jar into a large bowl. He looks up as screaming is heard. A soldier writing in a ledger and a Radio Operator also look up, and the Operator removes his headset. The Soldier continues to write. Yet another soldier slides a table in front of the door. The Soldier closes the ledger and hands it to Soldier Three.

"The thing won't go down – it broke through the lines at the east gate." The Radio Operator says.

Soldier Three carries the ledger into an adjoining, well-appointed room where the Nazi Officer is standing behind a desk. He puts the ledger into a briefcase on a small table near the desk. Screaming and gunfire can be heard from outside the building.

"Commandant – it tore Richter in half!"

"My god – what is it?" Soldier Three asks.

"'It' is coming to kill you, soldier. I suggest you ready your weapon." The Nazi raises his voice. "All of you. Destroy it or die."

Three Soldiers tip a table on its side and stand behind it in a line, pointing their guns at the door. The Nazi Officers adds ingredients to the blood in the bowl. "Damn you, sorcerers of Abraham –" The Soldiers look at each other as heavy footsteps approach. The Nazi Officer lights a match and picks up a candle.

The Radio Operator takes off his headset. "Cloaking flame, I ignite you." The Soldier fire as someone breaks in the door. A Very Large Man enters and the Radio Operator shoots at him with his handgun. The Large Man lifts the him out of his chair.

The Nazi Officer lets wax from a candle drip into the bowl as the Operator screams. "The fire born from blood leaves behind no man." He says. We hear the sound of bones breaking. Blood runs down the Operator's body, which we see only from his shoulders down. The Officer adds another ingredient to the bowl. "Now vanish me into the night."

One of the Soldiers shouts in German and the three Soldiers fire as the Large Man approaches them. The Large Man's body is riddled with bullets, but he appears unaffected. He grabs one of the Soldiers and there is the sound of breaking bones.

The Officer lights a match from the candle. "O fire of power and concealment." He says. One of the Soldiers falls to the ground and again we hear the sound of breaking bones. We see a close-up of the briefcase. "Tell your masters this thing is far from over."

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