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Kevin Tran wakes up, a note still stuck to his face. He gets up and sticks it onto the wall with the rest of his notes. Someone bangs on the door and he approaches it warily. "Kevin! Come on, it's us. Open up." Dean says. "Bleeding out here!" Kevin cracks open the door. "Come on man, it's me." Kevin sprays him with water. "Now it's wet me."

"You forgot the knock." Kevin says. "What's the point of a secret knock if you don't use it?"

"Sorry, Kevin." Sam gets hit with the water gun as well. "We got it."

Kevin takes the chains off the door and Sam and Dean enter the boat. "Got what?" Asks Kevin.

"We got a tip that Crowley was moving his earth-side operations, so we, uh, laid ourselves an awesome trap." Dean says.

"And it worked." Sam says.

Dean takes the other half of the broken demon tablet out of his bag. "We got the other half of the tablet." He says.

"What?" Kevin asks.

"It's the light at the end of your tunnel, kid. Don't say we never got you nothing." Dean hands Kevin the tablet.

"Holy crap. Are you kidding? We can get the third trial." Kevin says. "We can finally figure out how to close the gates of Hell on Crowley's ass forever."

"Sounds good to me. So, we digging up the other half of that thing, or what?" Asks Sam.

"Don't need to." Kevin points to the wall of notes.

"So, uh, Special K, you keep your nose to the God-stone, we're gonna drive out and make a lotta noise a long way from here, keep the safeboat safe for you." Sam says. Kevin ignores him, already scribbling down more notes.

"We'll be back as soon as we can, okay?" Dean asks and Kevin continues to ignore them. "I guess he's okay. Alright, don't forget to lock up after us." Sam and Dean exit.

Sam and Dean walk onto the pier, where they are engulfed by a rippling effect. The moment they enter the building, 'Sam' and 'Dean' transform back into two Demons.

"So, it's three trials. Three trials and the Winchesters get to lock the door on me. Ha!" Crowley turns to Demon #1. "You. Fake Sam. If you're gonna tip our hand, I'll have to scrub Kevin's short-term memory again. And that's risky, so watch the patois in there."

"Patois?" Demon #1 asks. 

"Your slang. Special K, nose to the God-stone, that's the way Dean speaks." Crowley says. "Sam is... more basic, more sincere. Remember, I want two distinct, authentic characterisations."

"Yes, sir."

Crowley waves them off and both Demons exit. "I was born to direct." He says.


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Dean enters, carrying a tray of food. Sam's sitting at the table, huddled underneath a blanket, going over some documents. "Alright, here we go. John Winchester's famous cure-all kitchen sink stew. There you go. Enough cayenne pepper in there to burn your lips off, just like Dad used to make." Dean sets the tray down in front of Sam, who pushes it away. "Yeah, we do the whole airplane thing with the spoon? When was the last time you ate?"

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