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The Impala is seen driving up a desolate wet dirt road next to a waterway and it pulls to a stop in front of a small abandoned church. Engine shuts off. Sam and Dean get out of the car with Crowley in tow and Dean walks behind Crowley into the church.

The scene switches to inside the church where Crowley is chained to a chair Dean finishes spraying a devils trap around him. Crowley still wears the demon handcuffs also. He shakes his Chains a little to show his discomfort for being in them.

"You really think this is gonna hold me, that you're gonna cure me or whatever it is?" Crowley asks. Dean, still holding the spray can, gives it one last shake then tosses it across the room and it hits a wall in the corner of the very small church. He smirks at Crowley and walks away.m

Dean walks outside to where Sam is at the back of the Impala with the trunk open Sam is preparing for the next trial. Sam is pouring holy oil into a jar. "He's primed. How you feeling?" Dean asks.

"Honestly, for the first time in a long time, it feels like we're gonna win. I'm good." Sam chuckles.

"All right, well, no dancing in the end zone until we're finished." Dean says. "What's the good father's playbook say now?"

Sam places a lid on the jar. "Well... Now that we got the consecrated ground, I just, uh..." He clears his throat. "I slip Crowley one dose of blood every hour for eight hours and seal the deal with a bloody-fist sandwich. That should do it."

"Your blood's supposed to be purified, isn't it? You ever, uh–you ever done the 'forgive me, father' before?"

"Well, once, when we were kids. Which is why I have no clue what to say now." Sam says.

"Well, I mean, I could give you suggestions if you want." Dean says.

"O-okay. Yeah, sure."

"All right. Well, I'm just spit-balling here, but if I were you, uh... Ruby, killing Lilith, letting Lucifer out, losing your soul, not looking for me when I went to Purgatory." Dean says.

"Thanks." Sam says. Frustrated with Dean's comments, Sam turns away and continues to fill a bag with needed items for the trial and when he is done he picks up the bag and walks toward the church.

"For starters. Or, hey, h-how about what you did to, uh, Penny Markle in the sixth grade? Why don't you lead with that?" Dean asks.

Sam turns to look at Dean. "Well, that was you." He says. Dean appears to think that maybe Sam is right.

"Carry on." Dean says.

Sam looks at Dean with disdain and then turns and walks into the church. Dean thinks about if Sam just said was true or not and by the look on his face we see that he agrees that it is most likely the truth.

Once inside the small church, Sam walks into a confessional and kneels as he closes the door behind him. We see Crowley a few feet away chained to the chair his back turned to Sam.

"Okay, um..." Sam clears his throat. "...if anybody's listening, here goes."

Dean is outside fiddling with something in the trunk of the Impala. Cass speaks to Dean which startles him. "Dean, I need your help." Castiel says.

"Little busy, Cass. Take a number." Dean says.

"I'm afraid this can't wait. Naomi has taken Metatron." Castiel says.

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