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Sam and Dean enter. "So no chance of a recovery, huh." Sam says. 

"No. No, Gertrude seemed like a cool mom, too. Kind, strong, taken from her family way too young — remind you of anybody?" Dean says. "Did you find anything?"

"I think so. A John Doe from nine years ago." Sam says. "The original coroner wanted the body sent to the CDC, but the coroner's new assistant "accidentally" ordered the body to be burned."

"New assistant?" Asks Dean.

"Jennifer O'Brien." Sam says.

"Coroner's a hell of a cover for hiding kills."

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Jennifer releases Charlie's arm, leaving behind a blue handprint. "My manly man-friend's gonna come get you, you creepy power-suit lady." Charlie says.

"Oh, let him come. He reeked of fear as well." Jennifer grabs Charlie's arm again. Charlie screams, then passes out.

[ ☼ ]

"Now get this. CDC never heard from Jennifer this time either." Sam says. "She faked the reports, burned the bodies to cover her tracks."

"So why does she get sloppy again after nine years, start leaving the bodies where they can be found?" Dean asks.

"Well, let's go ask her. According to this, she owns two pieces of property in town, one two-bedroom house about ten minutes from here, and an abandoned shipping warehouse." Sam says.

"Course she does."

[ ☼ ]

Sam and Dean enter and make their way to the area where Charlie is being held. Jennifer is nowhere to be seen. Dean moves over to Charlie. "Charlie. Charlie! Hey!" He shakes her. "Hey. Charlie."

Sam, meanwhile, explores the rest of the warehouse. Suddenly, Jennifer creeps up behind him. He attempts to attack her, but she easily overpowers him. She starts rolling up her sleeve. The tattoos and her eyes glow blue as she approaches Sam. Suddenly, the blue light in her eyes dies out and she drops to the floor; Dean has come up behind her and stabbed her with the silver blade.

"You okay?" Sam asks.

"Where's Charlie?"

Sam and Dean run up to Charlie. Sam injects her with a syringe filled with blue liquid, but it has no effect. "What the hell's going on?" Dean asks.

"I don't know. Different Djinn, maybe she needs a different antidote?" Sam asks.

"Charlie?" Dean touches her forehead. "She's burning up, man, we're not letting her turn to jello."

"Okay, okay, uh. Okay, Djinn poison puts your brain in something like a feedback loop while your blood boils, right?" Sam asks.


"Um, if the antidote didn't break the loop, then maybe we can find a way to break it from the inside." Sam says. "I mean, if Djinn take you to your happy place, your happy place is like a dream —"

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