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Caroline and Elena sit in a lounge area. "So you guys live here?" Caroline asks.

"I guess." Elena says softly.

"Can I get you anything?" Caroline asks. "Do you want some tea, maybe some vodka? I'm thinking, maybe tea with vodka."

Elena smiles. "No, I'm fine." She says. "But maybe a little dancing could cheer me up."

"On it." Caroline says and goes over to one of the old radio and turns the station. A hip song blasts throughout the bunker. They begin dancing.

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Sam walks through the police station and stops at a hallway and looks to his right. A door opens and Josh and Ed walk out. Josh is holding a thick file in his left hand. Sam walks down the hallway to the two men. "Gentlemen." He says.

"Still investigating this crappy little case?" Ed asks. "I'm awed the Bureau has so much time on its hands."

"Right. Well, we have some, uh, individual discretion to pursue cases." As Sam is talking he looks down at the file and sees the name James Frampton next to a case number typed on it.

"I'll catch up later, Ed." Josh says.

"Yeah, but at some point, cases like this go cold, as I'm sure you're aware. Just not enough to keep them floating–that's all." Ed says.

"Sure. No new leads, then?" Sam asks.

"No. And it's drifting towards the back burner, really. We just don't have the manpower."

"Then it must have been tough to lose a valuable resource like Lieutenant Frampton." Sam says. "See, he and I–we, uh–we caught a case together a while back."

"Well, he's not lost to me. He's–he's on leave." Ed says.

"I remember he said he was the youngest guy here to ever make lieutenant." Sam chuckles. "Must have made a few waves."

"Nah. This place is run like a dogsled –no stars. Just grunts. One mutt goes lame, another one pops up and slogs through the slush. Agent." Ed walks off leaving Sam looking like he is wanting to ask more questions. Once Ed rounds the corner, Sam turns and tries to open the door Josh and Ed walked out of. The door is locked.

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Dean and Portia, in the Impala, drive through a large garage that seems abandoned. Dean parks the car and they both get out and proceed to walk around to the back of the car.

"So this, uh, warlock we're meeting–he's–he's a snitch?" Dean asks as he and Portia walk to an open garage door as they talk.

"Cops have snitches all over town. James uses Drexyl when he suspects someone in the community."

"I got to ask. I-I can't help but wonder–" Dean starts.

"Which came first, dog or girl?" She asks.

"Yeah. Yeah, I mean, I'm just curious as to which one you consider yourself, mostly."

"This have anything to do with what I told you about James and me last night? How you're imagining it?" Portia asks.

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