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Charlie and Dean leave the hospital. "That never happened in the books." She says.

"Wanna tell me what happened back there, Boo Radley?" Dean asks.

"I'm sorry, I froze. I couldn't Ctrl-Alt-Delete my way out. Real life roleplaying is hard." Charlie says.

"It's okay. We'll come back later when Doris Do-Right isn't here anymore."

"Oh, perfect. Breaking and entering." She says.

"No different than hacking." Dean says.

"Beg to differ. One I've been doing since I was a teenager, the other I've done once, with you two idiots walking me through it, and I had my arm broken in the process."

"What did you hack when you where a teenager?" Dean asks.

"Uh, NORAD." She says.

"Yeah, whatever you say, Wargames. Why don't we go grab some grub while we wait."

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Two Guys are playing videogames as they walk along the tracks. "Awesome, I got three stars." Guy #1 says.

"So? I'm three levels ahead of you, man."

Guy #1 notices something on the ground. "Dude, stop." He says.

"I can't, I'm just too good."

"Dude!" He points down. There's a dead man on the ground, his stomach distended. Guy #1 picks up a fallen branch and tries to poke at it.

"Whoa, no, dude. That's a bad idea." Guy #2 says.

"Your face is a bad idea." Guy #1 pokes the dead guy's stomach. "See? Nothing to worry about." He pokes some more until the dead man's stomach ruptures, splattering both of them in blood. They scream.


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Police have arrived at the scene. Dean and Charlie pull up in the Impala. "Maybe you should go first this time." She says.

"Nuh-uh. Back on the horse, kiddo, come on." Dean says. They exit the car and walk over to a Police Officer.

"Hey there." Charlie holds out badge, upright this time. "I am Special Agent Ripley, this is my partner—"

"Save it. Your other agent's over there."

Charlie and Dean exchange a glance, then walk over to Sam, who had already arrived. "Took you guys so long?" Sam asks.

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